
DIABLO statistics for diablo2.usenet.blueworldhosting.com on Thu 02 Nov 2023

Newsfeed Contact: Jesse Rehmer

Generated on 20231102 2359 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity
  11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 16 of 16)

Diablo running processes:  71    Dnewslink running processes:  50

DIABLO uptime=454:47 arts=20.874M tested=0 bytes=2.049T fed=86.716M

11:59PM  up 18 days, 22:49, 1 user, load averages: 0.24, 0.27, 0.21

Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md0              3.9G    1.6G    1.9G    46%    /news/history

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   204366 11.72 18.25 2.37 23.93GB 21.62 122.77 1670831 0 12 0 73496 0
2 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   199209 13.91 17.79 2.31 25.17GB 22.74 132.51 1359507 0 4 0 72971 0
3   191438 12.31 17.10 2.22 22.89GB 20.68 125.39 1483668 0 9 0 71719 0
4 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   138177 10.12 12.34 1.60 12.16GB 10.99 92.27 1198633 0 35 0 166695 0
5   104259 14.35 9.31 1.21 7.73GB 6.98 77.72 711412 0 15 0 14935 0
6   95989 13.76 8.57 1.11 6.86GB 6.20 74.91 679964 0 24 0 17671 0
7   95434 12.87 8.52 1.11 7.04GB 6.36 77.33 723159 0 32 0 18099 0
8 abe005.ams.abavia.com   24015 4.52 2.15 0.28 1.78GB 1.61 77.75 518767 0 0 0 12779 0
9 abe004.ams.abavia.com   19749 3.65 1.76 0.23 1.52GB 1.37 80.70 532916 0 0 0 8629 0
10 static.   14800 3.78 1.32 0.17 291.01MB 0.26 20.13 385645 0 9 0 5898 0
11 abe006.ams.abavia.com   13858 2.59 1.24 0.16 1.13GB 1.02 85.65 527955 0 0 0 6149 0
12 npeer.as286.net   3100 0.50 0.28 0.04 124.10MB 0.11 40.99 617034 0 4 0 910 0
13 kotz.erje.net   3099 11.12 0.28 0.04 10.12MB 0.01 3.34 27846 0 1 0 16 0
14 feeder.eternal-september.org   2597 22.19 0.23 0.03 9.88MB 0.01 3.89 11665 0 3 0 38 0
15 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   1608 3.15 0.14 0.02 6.92MB 0.01 4.40 50734 0 1 0 373 0
16 iqoq.erje.net   907 3.57 0.08 0.01 2.91MB 0.00 3.28 25435 0 0 0 2 0
17 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   773 1.08 0.07 0.01 2.66MB 0.00 3.52 70596 0 0 0 927 0
18 swapon.de   729 6.72 0.07 0.01 1.48MB 0.00 2.08 10824 0 0 0 32 0
19 ixni.erje.net   655 2.18 0.06 0.01 3.83MB 0.00 5.98 30071 0 0 0 3 0
20 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   614 1.37 0.05 0.01 2.41MB 0.00 4.02 43456 0 0 0 1307 0
21 imqag.erje.net   601 2.01 0.05 0.01 2.26MB 0.00 3.84 29870 0 1 0 1 0
22 news.nobody.at   499 0.88 0.04 0.01 1.39MB 0.00 2.85 56376 0 2 0 28 0
23   485 3.26 0.04 0.01 8.44MB 0.01 17.82 14892 0 0 0 5 0
24 kvm.chmurka.net   453 3.46 0.04 0.01 5.17MB 0.00 11.69 13086 0 0 0 3 0
25 news.dewy.ru   357 0.46 0.03 0.00 2.59MB 0.00 7.43 77913 0 0 0 161 0
26 www.sysadmininc.com   302 0.43 0.03 0.00 519.62KB 0.00 1.72 70498 0 0 0 45 0
27 i2pn.org   280 2.75 0.03 0.00 4.81MB 0.00 17.58 10188 0 0 0 2 0
28 pcls7.std.com   261 0.42 0.02 0.00 565.53KB 0.00 2.17 61606 0 0 0 13 0
29 paganini.bofh.team   181 0.19 0.02 0.00 854.70KB 0.00 4.72 95840 0 1 0 139 0
30 weidegrund.szaf.org   156 0.25 0.01 0.00 672.68KB 0.00 4.31 62474 0 0 0 481 0
31 ddt.demos.su   153 40.69 0.01 0.00 712.49KB 0.00 4.66 375 0 0 0 1 0
32 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   152 0.41 0.01 0.00 402.09KB 0.00 2.65 36811 0 0 0 11 0
33 matrix.hispagatos.org   107 0.44 0.01 0.00 896.01KB 0.00 8.37 24044 0 0 0 23 0
34 nntp.comgw.net   31 0.03 0.00 0.00 72.41KB 0.00 2.34 93371 0 0 0 42 0
35 callisto.xs3.de   31 0.04 0.00 0.00 188.75KB 0.00 6.09 79879 0 0 0 58 0
36 news-xfer.panix.com   26 0.03 0.00 0.00 97.21KB 0.00 3.74 74512 0 0 0 58 0
37 usenet.pasdenom.info   24 1.18 0.00 0.00 56.86KB 0.00 2.37 2025 0 0 0 6 0
38 mantic.terraraq.uk   23 0.20 0.00 0.00 92.34KB 0.00 4.01 11515 0 0 0 3 0
39 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   20 0.03 0.00 0.00 81.96KB 0.00 4.10 77604 0 0 0 28 0
40 sxng.erje.net   13 0.06 0.00 0.00 168.70KB 0.00 12.98 20303 0 0 0 21 0
41 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   10 0.01 0.00 0.00 28.70KB 0.00 2.87 73264 0 0 0 35 0
42 server.samoylyk.net   8 0.08 0.00 0.00 13.84KB 0.00 1.73 10625 0 0 0 1 0
43   7 0.01 0.00 0.00 22.32KB 0.00 3.19 102615 0 0 0 18 0
44 valhalla.ausics.net   2 0.03 0.00 0.00 4.55KB 0.00 2.27 7820 0 0 0 14 0
45   2 8.00 0.00 0.00 1.69KB 0.00 0.85 25 0 0 0 0 0
46 newsfeed.hasname.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 918 0 0 0 0 0
47 cpc97078-uddi27-2-0-cust283.20-3.cable.virginm.net   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 4569 0 0 0 1 0
48 cmpublishers.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 72 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1119560 0.00 100.00 12.97 110.68GB 100.00 103.67 11793208 0 153 0 473847 0


Goto top of page

2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   25.17GB 22.74 2445.94 199209 13.91 17.79 132.51 1359507 0 4 0 72971 0
2   23.93GB 21.62 2324.75 204366 11.72 18.25 122.77 1670831 0 12 0 73496 0
3   22.89GB 20.68 2224.23 191438 12.31 17.10 125.39 1483668 0 9 0 71719 0
4 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   12.16GB 10.99 1181.38 138177 10.12 12.34 92.27 1198633 0 35 0 166695 0
5   7.73GB 6.98 750.77 104259 14.35 9.31 77.72 711412 0 15 0 14935 0
6   7.04GB 6.36 683.79 95434 12.87 8.52 77.33 723159 0 32 0 18099 0
7   6.86GB 6.20 666.26 95989 13.76 8.57 74.91 679964 0 24 0 17671 0
8 abe005.ams.abavia.com   1.78GB 1.61 173.00 24015 4.52 2.15 77.75 518767 0 0 0 12779 0
9 abe004.ams.abavia.com   1.52GB 1.37 147.66 19749 3.65 1.76 80.70 532916 0 0 0 8629 0
10 abe006.ams.abavia.com   1.13GB 1.02 109.97 13858 2.59 1.24 85.65 527955 0 0 0 6149 0
11 static.   291.01MB 0.26 27.61 14800 3.78 1.32 20.13 385645 0 9 0 5898 0
12 npeer.as286.net   124.10MB 0.11 11.77 3100 0.50 0.28 40.99 617034 0 4 0 910 0
13 kotz.erje.net   10.12MB 0.01 0.96 3099 11.12 0.28 3.34 27846 0 1 0 16 0
14 feeder.eternal-september.org   9.88MB 0.01 0.94 2597 22.19 0.23 3.89 11665 0 3 0 38 0
15   8.44MB 0.01 0.80 485 3.26 0.04 17.82 14892 0 0 0 5 0
16 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   6.92MB 0.01 0.66 1608 3.15 0.14 4.40 50734 0 1 0 373 0
17 kvm.chmurka.net   5.17MB 0.00 0.49 453 3.46 0.04 11.69 13086 0 0 0 3 0
18 i2pn.org   4.81MB 0.00 0.46 280 2.75 0.03 17.58 10188 0 0 0 2 0
19 ixni.erje.net   3.83MB 0.00 0.36 655 2.18 0.06 5.98 30071 0 0 0 3 0
20 iqoq.erje.net   2.91MB 0.00 0.28 907 3.57 0.08 3.28 25435 0 0 0 2 0
21 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   2.66MB 0.00 0.25 773 1.08 0.07 3.52 70596 0 0 0 927 0
22 news.dewy.ru   2.59MB 0.00 0.25 357 0.46 0.03 7.43 77913 0 0 0 161 0
23 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   2.41MB 0.00 0.23 614 1.37 0.05 4.02 43456 0 0 0 1307 0
24 imqag.erje.net   2.26MB 0.00 0.21 601 2.01 0.05 3.84 29870 0 1 0 1 0
25 swapon.de   1.48MB 0.00 0.14 729 6.72 0.07 2.08 10824 0 0 0 32 0
26 news.nobody.at   1.39MB 0.00 0.13 499 0.88 0.04 2.85 56376 0 2 0 28 0
27 matrix.hispagatos.org   896.01KB 0.00 0.08 107 0.44 0.01 8.37 24044 0 0 0 23 0
28 paganini.bofh.team   854.70KB 0.00 0.08 181 0.19 0.02 4.72 95840 0 1 0 139 0
29 ddt.demos.su   712.49KB 0.00 0.07 153 40.69 0.01 4.66 375 0 0 0 1 0
30 weidegrund.szaf.org   672.68KB 0.00 0.06 156 0.25 0.01 4.31 62474 0 0 0 481 0
31 pcls7.std.com   565.53KB 0.00 0.05 261 0.42 0.02 2.17 61606 0 0 0 13 0
32 www.sysadmininc.com   519.62KB 0.00 0.05 302 0.43 0.03 1.72 70498 0 0 0 45 0
33 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   402.09KB 0.00 0.04 152 0.41 0.01 2.65 36811 0 0 0 11 0
34 callisto.xs3.de   188.75KB 0.00 0.02 31 0.04 0.00 6.09 79879 0 0 0 58 0
35 sxng.erje.net   168.70KB 0.00 0.02 13 0.06 0.00 12.98 20303 0 0 0 21 0
36 news-xfer.panix.com   97.21KB 0.00 0.01 26 0.03 0.00 3.74 74512 0 0 0 58 0
37 mantic.terraraq.uk   92.34KB 0.00 0.01 23 0.20 0.00 4.01 11515 0 0 0 3 0
38 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   81.96KB 0.00 0.01 20 0.03 0.00 4.10 77604 0 0 0 28 0
39 nntp.comgw.net   72.41KB 0.00 0.01 31 0.03 0.00 2.34 93371 0 0 0 42 0
40 usenet.pasdenom.info   56.86KB 0.00 0.01 24 1.18 0.00 2.37 2025 0 0 0 6 0
41 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   28.70KB 0.00 0.00 10 0.01 0.00 2.87 73264 0 0 0 35 0
42   22.32KB 0.00 0.00 7 0.01 0.00 3.19 102615 0 0 0 18 0
43 server.samoylyk.net   13.84KB 0.00 0.00 8 0.08 0.00 1.73 10625 0 0 0 1 0
44 valhalla.ausics.net   4.55KB 0.00 0.00 2 0.03 0.00 2.27 7820 0 0 0 14 0
45   1.69KB 0.00 0.00 2 8.00 0.00 0.85 25 0 0 0 0 0
46 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 918 0 0 0 0 0
47 cpc97078-uddi27-2-0-cust283.20-3.cable.virginm.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4569 0 0 0 1 0
48 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 72 0 0 0 0 0
Total 110.68GB 100.00 10753.80 1119560 0.00 100.00 103.67 11793208 0 153 0 473847 0


Goto top of page

3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   51.41GB 64.09 4994.91 138177 10.12 12.34 92.27 1198633 0 35 0 166695 0
2 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   6.00GB 7.48 582.86 199209 13.91 17.79 132.51 1359507 0 4 0 72971 0
3   5.70GB 7.10 553.55 204366 11.72 18.25 122.77 1670831 0 12 0 73496 0
4   5.15GB 6.42 500.59 191438 12.31 17.10 125.39 1483668 0 9 0 71719 0
5 abe005.ams.abavia.com   4.26GB 5.31 414.09 24015 4.52 2.15 77.75 518767 0 0 0 12779 0
6 abe004.ams.abavia.com   2.83GB 3.53 275.37 19749 3.65 1.76 80.70 532916 0 0 0 8629 0
7 abe006.ams.abavia.com   1.97GB 2.46 191.57 13858 2.59 1.24 85.65 527955 0 0 0 6149 0
8   946.10MB 1.15 89.77 95434 12.87 8.52 77.33 723159 0 32 0 18099 0
9   935.82MB 1.14 88.79 95989 13.76 8.57 74.91 679964 0 24 0 17671 0
10   900.70MB 1.10 85.46 104259 14.35 9.31 77.72 711412 0 15 0 14935 0
11 static.   112.21MB 0.14 10.65 14800 3.78 1.32 20.13 385645 0 9 0 5898 0
12 npeer.as286.net   18.08MB 0.02 1.72 3100 0.50 0.28 40.99 617034 0 4 0 910 0
13 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   15.67MB 0.02 1.49 614 1.37 0.05 4.02 43456 0 0 0 1307 0
14 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   9.46MB 0.01 0.90 773 1.08 0.07 3.52 70596 0 0 0 927 0
15 weidegrund.szaf.org   4.66MB 0.01 0.44 156 0.25 0.01 4.31 62474 0 0 0 481 0
16 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   3.05MB 0.00 0.29 1608 3.15 0.14 4.40 50734 0 1 0 373 0
17 news.dewy.ru   1.19MB 0.00 0.11 357 0.46 0.03 7.43 77913 0 0 0 161 0
18 paganini.bofh.team   1.06MB 0.00 0.10 181 0.19 0.02 4.72 95840 0 1 0 139 0
19 news-xfer.panix.com   637.56KB 0.00 0.06 26 0.03 0.00 3.74 74512 0 0 0 58 0
20 callisto.xs3.de   593.28KB 0.00 0.05 31 0.04 0.00 6.09 79879 0 0 0 58 0
21 nntp.comgw.net   465.34KB 0.00 0.04 31 0.03 0.00 2.34 93371 0 0 0 42 0
22 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   439.34KB 0.00 0.04 10 0.01 0.00 2.87 73264 0 0 0 35 0
23 www.sysadmininc.com   425.83KB 0.00 0.04 302 0.43 0.03 1.72 70498 0 0 0 45 0
24 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   311.41KB 0.00 0.03 20 0.03 0.00 4.10 77604 0 0 0 28 0
25   261.97KB 0.00 0.02 7 0.01 0.00 3.19 102615 0 0 0 18 0
26 matrix.hispagatos.org   227.08KB 0.00 0.02 107 0.44 0.01 8.37 24044 0 0 0 23 0
27 sxng.erje.net   194.80KB 0.00 0.02 13 0.06 0.00 12.98 20303 0 0 0 21 0
28 pcls7.std.com   173.97KB 0.00 0.02 261 0.42 0.02 2.17 61606 0 0 0 13 0
29 news.nobody.at   141.89KB 0.00 0.01 499 0.88 0.04 2.85 56376 0 2 0 28 0
30 feeder.eternal-september.org   102.59KB 0.00 0.01 2597 22.19 0.23 3.89 11665 0 3 0 38 0
31 swapon.de   75.96KB 0.00 0.01 729 6.72 0.07 2.08 10824 0 0 0 32 0
32   67.70KB 0.00 0.01 485 3.26 0.04 17.82 14892 0 0 0 5 0
33 valhalla.ausics.net   63.20KB 0.00 0.01 2 0.03 0.00 2.27 7820 0 0 0 14 0
34 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   45.19KB 0.00 0.00 152 0.41 0.01 2.65 36811 0 0 0 11 0
35 usenet.pasdenom.info   38.25KB 0.00 0.00 24 1.18 0.00 2.37 2025 0 0 0 6 0
36 kvm.chmurka.net   29.85KB 0.00 0.00 453 3.46 0.04 11.69 13086 0 0 0 3 0
37 kotz.erje.net   29.29KB 0.00 0.00 3099 11.12 0.28 3.34 27846 0 1 0 16 0
38 i2pn.org   21.48KB 0.00 0.00 280 2.75 0.03 17.58 10188 0 0 0 2 0
39 server.samoylyk.net   10.41KB 0.00 0.00 8 0.08 0.00 1.73 10625 0 0 0 1 0
40 ixni.erje.net   10.13KB 0.00 0.00 655 2.18 0.06 5.98 30071 0 0 0 3 0
41 mantic.terraraq.uk   4.24KB 0.00 0.00 23 0.20 0.00 4.01 11515 0 0 0 3 0
42 cpc97078-uddi27-2-0-cust283.20-3.cable.virginm.net   4.09KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4569 0 0 0 1 0
43 imqag.erje.net   2.71KB 0.00 0.00 601 2.01 0.05 3.84 29870 0 1 0 1 0
44 iqoq.erje.net   2.10KB 0.00 0.00 907 3.57 0.08 3.28 25435 0 0 0 2 0
45 ddt.demos.su   2.09KB 0.00 0.00 153 40.69 0.01 4.66 375 0 0 0 1 0
46 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 918 0 0 0 0 0
47 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 72 0 0 0 0 0
48   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2 8.00 0.00 0.85 25 0 0 0 0 0
Total 80.21GB 100.00 7793.05 1119560 0.00 100.00 103.67 11793208 0 153 0 473847 0


Goto top of page

4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 28569 2.55 2.18GB 1.97 395423 0 2 12810 0
01 33757 3.02 2.42GB 2.19 504417 0 4 20331 0
02 28678 2.56 1.77GB 1.60 512521 0 12 59007 0
03 38159 3.41 2.57GB 2.32 484969 0 2 16796 0
04 48027 4.29 4.10GB 3.71 489293 0 15 19839 0
05 31367 2.80 2.23GB 2.01 497874 0 4 45689 0
06 32272 2.88 2.13GB 1.93 424301 0 3 44352 0
07 95974 8.57 6.57GB 5.94 820671 0 13 42846 0
08 55933 5.00 3.24GB 2.93 553244 0 2 14264 0
09 33544 3.00 1.99GB 1.80 501284 0 0 13694 0
10 26990 2.41 2.93GB 2.65 439171 0 24 12481 0
11 34665 3.10 1.97GB 1.78 427250 0 13 11340 0
12 22923 2.05 1.21GB 1.10 263160 0 0 10818 0
13 24320 2.17 1.28GB 1.16 334439 0 7 12972 0
14 26086 2.33 1.57GB 1.42 345881 0 1 12503 0
15 27622 2.47 1.92GB 1.74 409145 0 2 15971 0
16 108319 9.68 7.11GB 6.42 754414 0 12 37084 0
17 87035 7.77 7.38GB 6.67 725640 0 14 26724 0
18 110205 9.84 20.38GB 18.41 633883 0 12 10169 0
19 75551 6.75 19.03GB 17.19 560328 0 1 12639 0
20 68847 6.15 11.48GB 10.37 442490 0 3 6643 0
21 31382 2.80 1.98GB 1.79 568946 0 0 6262 0
22 28381 2.54 1.80GB 1.63 343628 0 3 4842 0
23 20954 1.87 1.43GB 1.29 360836 0 4 3771 0
Total 1119560 100.00 110.68GB 100.00 11793208 0 153 473847 0


Goto top of page

5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 npeer.as286.net   748402 66.25 37.24 8.67 95.43GB 47.95 133.71 380792 41424142.00
2 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   469231 72.13 23.35 5.43 61.43GB 30.87 137.28 174461 6874
3 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   349744 73.27 17.40 4.05 25.24GB 12.68 75.68 127489 109
4 news-in.neodome.net   170002 57.99 8.46 1.97 4.21GB 2.11 25.95 118947 4232
5 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   37943 11.37 1.89 0.44 5.35GB 2.69 147.98 295034 681
6 feed-me.usenet.farm   32829 5.81 1.63 0.38 2.79GB 1.40 89.04 526404 6282
7 news.aulich.net   27270 86.49 1.36 0.32 133.18MB 0.07 5.00 14 4246
8 news.1d4.us   16390 51.99 0.82 0.19 83.30MB 0.04 5.20 15135 1
9 nntp.comgw.net   15993 17.63 0.80 0.19 3.15GB 1.58 206.76 28544 4618151590.32
10 1.us.feeder.erje.net   13759 44.12 0.68 0.16 276.04MB 0.14 20.54 17109 314
11 usenet.network   10946 33.12 0.54 0.13 53.63MB 0.03 5.02 17909 4190
12 paganini.bofh.team   9577 30.59 0.48 0.11 55.07MB 0.03 5.89 21732 0 5291.16
13 nntp.theworld.com   9516 69.49 0.47 0.11 59.22MB 0.03 6.37 2931 1247
14 3.us.feeder.erje.net   9146 29.28 0.46 0.11 183.00MB 0.09 20.49 16733 5362
15 news.nobody.at   8756 28.70 0.44 0.10 37.95MB 0.02 4.44 20774 982 1754.71
16 news.cgarbs.de   8449 26.81 0.42 0.10 50.14MB 0.02 6.08 14358 8705
17 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   7543 23.95 0.38 0.09 45.86MB 0.02 6.23 19022 4936
18 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   7270 23.30 0.36 0.08 44.62MB 0.02 6.28 18723 5215
19 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   6459 20.59 0.32 0.07 37.05MB 0.02 5.87 21522 3395
20 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   5602 17.77 0.28 0.06 34.94MB 0.02 6.39 19969 5949
21 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   4794 16.83 0.24 0.06 27.94MB 0.01 5.97 17135 6554
22 newsfeed.xs3.de   4221 13.40 0.21 0.05 29.33MB 0.01 7.11 21094 6183
23 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   4095 13.15 0.20 0.05 22.06MB 0.01 5.52 14885 12152
24 3.eu.feeder.erje.net   3606 11.56 0.18 0.04 24.78MB 0.01 7.04 19595 7981
25 newsfeed.hasname.com   3321 38.13 0.17 0.04 26.29MB 0.01 8.11 791 4597
26 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   2805 25.71 0.14 0.03 16.60MB 0.01 6.06 5968 2139
27 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   2749 8.83 0.14 0.03 14.10MB 0.01 5.25 16970 11423
28 nntp.terraraq.uk   2707 13.44 0.13 0.03 8.89MB 0.00 3.36 11695 5741
29 news.ausics.net   2677 9.24 0.13 0.03 12.92MB 0.01 4.94 11988 14322
30 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   2530 8.36 0.13 0.03 8.68MB 0.00 3.51 27746 0
31 news.hispagatos.org   1996 6.35 0.10 0.02 10.69MB 0.01 5.48 19224 10204
32 1.as.feeder.erje.net   1936 6.21 0.10 0.02 98.63MB 0.05 52.17 19852 9394
33 news.swapon.de   1628 18.75 0.08 0.02 8.64MB 0.00 5.44 5977 1079
34 2.eu.feeder.erje.net   1340 4.30 0.07 0.02 18.97MB 0.01 14.50 19749 10093
35 i2pn.org   1130 3.64 0.06 0.01 3.67MB 0.00 3.33 21082 8844 403.57
36 news-in.usenet.ovh   964 3.16 0.05 0.01 3.30MB 0.00 3.50 10112 19456
37 news.furie.org.uk   831 5.61 0.04 0.01 2.08MB 0.00 2.57 7261 6708
38 feeder.eternal-september.org   795 2.77 0.04 0.01 1.96MB 0.00 2.53 23679 4208 30.61
39 usenet.pasdenom.info   325 1.04 0.02 0.00 937.96KB 0.00 2.89 20927 10008 1354.17
40 news.cmpublishers.com   263 22.93 0.01 0.00 2.09MB 0.00 8.13 0 884
41 news.samoylyk.net   236 0.75 0.01 0.00 620.60KB 0.00 2.63 24347 6939
42 ddt.demos.su   3 0.40 0.00 0.00 4.96KB 0.00 1.65 743 0 1.96
Total 2009779 0.45 100.00 23.28 199.01GB 100.00 103.83 2178422 268224 179.52


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 npeer.as286.net   95.43GB 47.95 9271.79 748402 66.25 37.24 133.71 380792 41478746.08
2 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   61.43GB 30.87 5968.42 469231 72.13 23.35 137.28 174461 6874
3 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   25.24GB 12.68 2452.37 349744 73.27 17.40 75.68 127489 109
4 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   5.35GB 2.69 520.23 37943 11.37 1.89 147.98 295034 681
5 news-in.neodome.net   4.21GB 2.11 408.72 170002 57.99 8.46 25.95 118947 4232
6 nntp.comgw.net   3.15GB 1.58 306.39 15993 17.63 0.80 206.76 28544 461814566706.98
7 feed-me.usenet.farm   2.79GB 1.40 270.84 32829 5.81 1.63 89.04 526404 6282
8 1.us.feeder.erje.net   276.04MB 0.14 26.19 13759 44.12 0.68 20.54 17109 314
9 3.us.feeder.erje.net   183.00MB 0.09 17.36 9146 29.28 0.46 20.49 16733 5362
10 news.aulich.net   133.18MB 0.07 12.64 27270 86.49 1.36 5.00 14 4246
11 1.as.feeder.erje.net   98.63MB 0.05 9.36 1936 6.21 0.10 52.17 19852 9394
12 news.1d4.us   83.30MB 0.04 7.90 16390 51.99 0.82 5.20 15135 1
13 nntp.theworld.com   59.22MB 0.03 5.62 9516 69.49 0.47 6.37 2931 1247
14 paganini.bofh.team   55.07MB 0.03 5.23 9577 30.59 0.48 5.89 21732 0 6598.00
15 usenet.network   53.63MB 0.03 5.09 10946 33.12 0.54 5.02 17909 4190
16 news.cgarbs.de   50.14MB 0.02 4.76 8449 26.81 0.42 6.08 14358 8705
17 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   45.86MB 0.02 4.35 7543 23.95 0.38 6.23 19022 4936
18 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   44.62MB 0.02 4.23 7270 23.30 0.36 6.28 18723 5215
19 news.nobody.at   37.95MB 0.02 3.60 8756 28.70 0.44 4.44 20774 982 2735.11
20 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   37.05MB 0.02 3.52 6459 20.59 0.32 5.87 21522 3395
21 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   34.94MB 0.02 3.31 5602 17.77 0.28 6.39 19969 5949
22 newsfeed.xs3.de   29.33MB 0.01 2.78 4221 13.40 0.21 7.11 21094 6183
23 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   27.94MB 0.01 2.65 4794 16.83 0.24 5.97 17135 6554
24 newsfeed.hasname.com   26.29MB 0.01 2.49 3321 38.13 0.17 8.11 791 4597
25 3.eu.feeder.erje.net   24.78MB 0.01 2.35 3606 11.56 0.18 7.04 19595 7981
26 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   22.06MB 0.01 2.09 4095 13.15 0.20 5.52 14885 12152
27 2.eu.feeder.erje.net   18.97MB 0.01 1.80 1340 4.30 0.07 14.50 19749 10093
28 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   16.60MB 0.01 1.57 2805 25.71 0.14 6.06 5968 2139
29 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   14.10MB 0.01 1.34 2749 8.83 0.14 5.25 16970 11423
30 news.ausics.net   12.92MB 0.01 1.23 2677 9.24 0.13 4.94 11988 14322
31 news.hispagatos.org   10.69MB 0.01 1.01 1996 6.35 0.10 5.48 19224 10204
32 nntp.terraraq.uk   8.89MB 0.00 0.84 2707 13.44 0.13 3.36 11695 5741
33 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   8.68MB 0.00 0.82 2530 8.36 0.13 3.51 27746 0
34 news.swapon.de   8.64MB 0.00 0.82 1628 18.75 0.08 5.44 5977 1079
35 i2pn.org   3.67MB 0.00 0.35 1130 3.64 0.06 3.33 21082 8844 76.35
36 news-in.usenet.ovh   3.30MB 0.00 0.31 964 3.16 0.05 3.50 10112 19456
37 news.cmpublishers.com   2.09MB 0.00 0.20 263 22.93 0.01 8.13 0 884
38 news.furie.org.uk   2.08MB 0.00 0.20 831 5.61 0.04 2.57 7261 6708
39 feeder.eternal-september.org   1.96MB 0.00 0.19 795 2.77 0.04 2.53 23679 4208 19.86
40 usenet.pasdenom.info   937.96KB 0.00 0.09 325 1.04 0.02 2.89 20927 10008 1649.54
41 news.samoylyk.net   620.60KB 0.00 0.06 236 0.75 0.01 2.63 24347 6939
42 ddt.demos.su   4.96KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.40 0.00 1.65 743 0 0.70
Total 199.01GB 100.00 19335.12 2009779 0.45 100.00 103.83 2178422 268224 179.80


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feed-me.usenet.farm   1.38GB 35.50 133.87 32829 5.81 1.63 89.04 526404 6282
2 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   1.04GB 26.81 101.11 469231 72.13 23.35 137.28 174461 6874
3 1.as.feeder.erje.net   134.25MB 3.38 12.74 1936 6.21 0.10 52.17 19852 9394
4 news-in.neodome.net   105.69MB 2.66 10.03 170002 57.99 8.46 25.95 118947 4232
5 3.us.feeder.erje.net   97.46MB 2.45 9.25 9146 29.28 0.46 20.49 16733 5362
6 2.eu.feeder.erje.net   94.30MB 2.37 8.95 1340 4.30 0.07 14.50 19749 10093
7 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   85.73MB 2.16 8.13 37943 11.37 1.89 147.98 295034 681
8 news.ausics.net   82.72MB 2.08 7.85 2677 9.24 0.13 4.94 11988 14322
9 3.eu.feeder.erje.net   80.03MB 2.01 7.59 3606 11.56 0.18 7.04 19595 7981
10 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   63.91MB 1.61 6.06 4095 13.15 0.20 5.52 14885 12152
11 news-in.usenet.ovh   57.75MB 1.45 5.48 964 3.16 0.05 3.50 10112 19456
12 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   55.62MB 1.40 5.28 2749 8.83 0.14 5.25 16970 11423
13 news.hispagatos.org   52.99MB 1.33 5.03 1996 6.35 0.10 5.48 19224 10204
14 nntp.comgw.net   51.72MB 1.30 4.91 15993 17.63 0.80 206.76 28544 4618173135.61
15 news.cgarbs.de   50.36MB 1.27 4.78 8449 26.81 0.42 6.08 14358 8705
16 newsfeed.xs3.de   48.62MB 1.22 4.61 4221 13.40 0.21 7.11 21094 6183
17 npeer.as286.net   43.54MB 1.10 4.13 748402 66.25 37.24 133.71 380792 414 35.09
18 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   40.28MB 1.01 3.82 5602 17.77 0.28 6.39 19969 5949
19 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   38.56MB 0.97 3.66 4794 16.83 0.24 5.97 17135 6554
20 newsfeed.hasname.com   38.30MB 0.96 3.63 3321 38.13 0.17 8.11 791 4597
21 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   34.54MB 0.87 3.28 7270 23.30 0.36 6.28 18723 5215
22 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   33.93MB 0.85 3.22 7543 23.95 0.38 6.23 19022 4936
23 i2pn.org   24.90MB 0.63 2.36 1130 3.64 0.06 3.33 21082 8844 518.04
24 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   21.58MB 0.54 2.05 6459 20.59 0.32 5.87 21522 3395
25 news.aulich.net   20.31MB 0.51 1.93 27270 86.49 1.36 5.00 14 4246
26 usenet.network   20.30MB 0.51 1.93 10946 33.12 0.54 5.02 17909 4190
27 nntp.terraraq.uk   19.58MB 0.49 1.86 2707 13.44 0.13 3.36 11695 5741
28 usenet.pasdenom.info   16.58MB 0.42 1.57 325 1.04 0.02 2.89 20927 1000829850.52
29 news.furie.org.uk   13.69MB 0.34 1.30 831 5.61 0.04 2.57 7261 6708
30 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   13.17MB 0.33 1.25 2805 25.71 0.14 6.06 5968 2139
31 feeder.eternal-september.org   9.15MB 0.23 0.87 795 2.77 0.04 2.53 23679 4208 92.70
32 news.samoylyk.net   8.95MB 0.23 0.85 236 0.75 0.01 2.63 24347 6939
33 1.us.feeder.erje.net   8.23MB 0.21 0.78 13759 44.12 0.68 20.54 17109 314
34 nntp.theworld.com   8.05MB 0.20 0.76 9516 69.49 0.47 6.37 2931 1247
35 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   7.11MB 0.18 0.67 349744 73.27 17.40 75.68 127489 109
36 news.cmpublishers.com   7.03MB 0.18 0.67 263 22.93 0.01 8.13 0 884
37 news.swapon.de   4.54MB 0.11 0.43 1628 18.75 0.08 5.44 5977 1079
38 news.nobody.at   4.26MB 0.11 0.40 8756 28.70 0.44 4.44 20774 982 307.34
39 news.1d4.us   5.64KB 0.00 0.00 16390 51.99 0.82 5.20 15135 1
40 paganini.bofh.team   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 9577 30.59 0.48 5.89 21732 0 0.00
41 ddt.demos.su   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.40 0.00 1.65 743 0 0.00
42 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2530 8.36 0.13 3.51 27746 0
Total 3.88GB 100.00 377.09 2009779 0.45 100.00 103.83 2178422 268224 3.51


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 67116 3.34 5.30GB 2.66 57212 7796
01 83434 4.15 5.80GB 2.91 63466 10881
02 76270 3.79 4.33GB 2.17 51813 10292
03 75217 3.74 4.70GB 2.36 68333 7954
04 85974 4.28 8.14GB 4.09 96900 9145
05 76254 3.79 4.19GB 2.11 58769 11384
06 77704 3.87 4.12GB 2.07 78950 9218
07 94046 4.68 6.14GB 3.08 191633 12340
08 84649 4.21 4.70GB 2.36 135224 13132
09 76036 3.78 4.16GB 2.09 79012 13351
10 75970 3.78 9.52GB 4.78 55921 7046
11 70457 3.51 3.61GB 1.81 62085 8935
12 66990 3.33 3.17GB 1.60 44330 7934
13 72176 3.59 3.44GB 1.73 52613 9659
14 58331 2.90 3.36GB 1.69 62877 6823
15 66811 3.32 4.16GB 2.09 69854 12104
16 72656 3.62 4.08GB 2.05 80209 9838
17 118709 5.91 11.11GB 5.58 284645 9216
18 190841 9.50 41.46GB 20.84 187114 11227
19 104369 5.19 25.36GB 12.74 132568 10456
20 99990 4.98 24.84GB 12.48 124897 15189
21 83585 4.16 5.17GB 2.60 59968 18022
22 65634 3.27 3.96GB 1.99 43529 16733
23 66560 3.31 4.19GB 2.10 36500 19549
Total 2009779 100.00 199.01GB 100.00 2178422 268224


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%FullAv. Pending
xorox 58623-58664 41 40 102 0.0
hasname 58621-58662 41 40 102 6.4
comgw 28013-28054 41 40 102 5.5
cmpublish 58357-58398 41 40 102 10.0
xs3 58663-58664 1 40 2 1.6
weretis 58655-58656 1 40 2 2.1
usenetnetwork 58655-58656 1 40 2 3.3
usenetfrm-a 58685-58686 1 40 2 5.1
ue-a 58685-58686 1 40 2 7.4
tnet 58663-58664 1 40 2 6.8
theworld 58259-58260 1 40 2 1.2
teraraquk 58587-58588 1 40 2 2.3
szaf 58661-58662 1 40 2 2.9
swapon 46160-46161 1 40 2 1.1
samoylyk 58663-58664 1 40 2 4.3
pasdenom 58661-58662 1 40 2 1.5
panix 58663-58664 1 40 2 2.1
paganini 25146-25147 1 40 2 2.2
ovh 24006-24007 1 40 2 4.1
nobodyat 58656-58657 1 40 2 1.7
neodome-b 21439-21440 1 40 2 4.9
neodome-a 58685-58686 1 40 2 4.8
mbnet 58663-58664 1 40 2 1.9
i2pn 58661-58662 1 40 2 5.0
hispagatos 16146-16147 1 40 2 1.4
highwinds-a 58685-58686 1 40 2 1.3
furie 58405-58406 1 40 2 1.5
fuberlin 58659-58660 1 40 2 1.2
eternalseptember 58642-58643 1 40 2 6.0
erje-3eu 58662-58663 1 40 2 1.5
erje-2eu 58662-58663 1 40 2 1.6
erje-1us 58662-58663 1 40 2 1.7
erje-1as 58662-58663 1 40 2 2.2
erje 58663-58664 1 40 2 1.4
endline 58662-58663 1 40 2 7.0
demos.su 42016-42017 1 40 2 0.0
chmurka 56397-56398 1 40 2 1.4
chiark 58659-58660 1 40 2 1.3
cgarbs 58663-58664 1 40 2 1.5
ausics 58652-58653 1 40 2 1.4
aulich 58663-58664 1 40 2 1.3
as286-a 58685-58686 1 40 2 9.3
abavia-a 58685-58686 1 40 2 8.2
1d4 58663-58664 1 40 2 6.8
spool1-text 2884-9275 6391 2000000 0 0.0
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10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:01:15  23:56:15 2880 feeder.xorox.net: Operation timed out
00:00:00  23:55:00 2868 news.cmpublishers.com: 400 No space left on device writing logging article file -- throttling
00:05:00  23:55:00 1435 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com: Connection refused
00:01:15  01:46:15 220 usenet.network: Operation timed out
00:35:00  23:55:15 79 newsfeed.hasname.com: (unknown error)
00:52:32  23:02:59 57 (no permission)
00:31:26  23:36:19 36 newsfeed.hasname.com: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
00:18:42  23:18:41 30 (no permission)
23:22:38  23:30:20 25 (no permission)
02:01:21  20:57:32 5 feed-me.usenet.farm: Operation timed out
12:21:13  12:51:05 3 (no permission)
19:58:55  19:59:17 2 (no permission)
04:23:42   1 usenet.pasdenom.info: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
04:23:42   1 usenet.pasdenom.info: Connection refused
19:00:05   1 usenet.network: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
19:00:05   1 usenet.network: Connection refused
21:03:13   1 news.cmpublishers.com: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
01:22:50   1 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
01:22:50   1 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net: Connection refused
02:04:08   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: internettl.org/
22:53:39   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: apzg-0728n-045.stretchoid.com/
01:47:22   1 3.us.feeder.erje.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
01:47:22   1 3.us.feeder.erje.net: 502 3.us.feeder.erje.net DIABLO is currently in read-only mode
22:53:39   1 (no permission)
02:04:08   1 (no permission)
01:44:12   1 1.us.feeder.erje.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
18:55:07   1 1.as.feeder.erje.net: 502 1.as.feeder.erje.net: Transfer permission denied to - newsmaster@erje.net (DIABLO 6-CUR-20170901-00)
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11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 16 of 16)

HostBy Post RateBy Dup Body# Articles
 21 0 6 6
 6 0 4 4
 5 0 3 3
 1 0 3 3
 82 0 2 2
 58 0 2 2
 29 0 2 2
 27 0 2 2
 102 0 2 2
 66 0 1 1
 55 0 1 1
 44 0 1 1
 26 0 1 1
 23 0 1 1
 165 0 1 1
 11 0 1 1
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Generated on 20231102 2359 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project. Valid HTML 4.0!