
DIABLO statistics for diablo1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com on Fri 19 Apr 2024

Newsfeed Contact: Jesse Rehmer

Generated on 20240419 2359 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity
  11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 1 of 1)

Diablo running processes:  60    Dnewslink running processes:  48

DIABLO uptime=197:38 arts=39.202M tested=0 bytes=2.347T fed=163.636M

11:59PM  up 8 days,  5:39, 0 users, load averages: 0.15, 0.13, 0.11

Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
news                  384G    181G    203G    47%    /news
news/log              205G    1.7G    203G     1%    /news/log
tmpfs                  11G    3.4G    7.3G    32%    /news/history

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   1783324 56.37 31.73 20.65 102.28GB 30.85 60.14 3162145 0 4 0 1508 0
2   1770972 56.59 31.51 20.51 100.68GB 30.37 59.61 3128073 0 4 0 1572 0
3 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   1587666 59.86 28.25 18.39 91.00GB 27.45 60.10 2650581 0 4 0 1582 0
4 abe005.ams.abavia.com   87959 5.46 1.56 1.02 8.11GB 2.45 96.65 1611560 0 0 0 37 0
5 abe004.ams.abavia.com   84830 4.97 1.51 0.98 7.55GB 2.28 93.30 1707632 0 0 0 29 0
6 abe006.ams.abavia.com   76810 4.49 1.37 0.89 7.02GB 2.12 95.87 1710767 0 0 0 37 0
7   74694 3.46 1.33 0.87 4.96GB 1.50 69.65 2156304 0 2 0 2750 0
8   71037 3.41 1.26 0.82 4.70GB 1.42 69.43 2080183 0 0 0 3075 0
9   67818 3.28 1.21 0.79 4.57GB 1.38 70.68 2067059 0 0 0 2743 0
10 npeer.as286.net   5243 0.26 0.09 0.06 110.26MB 0.03 21.53 2014764 0 93 0 94 0
11 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   3842 0.10 0.07 0.04 370.25MB 0.11 98.68 3834196 0 0 0 1 0
12 feeder.eternal-september.org   2034 24.50 0.04 0.02 6.03MB 0.00 3.03 8298 0 0 0 3 0
13 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   901 17.39 0.02 0.01 3.83MB 0.00 4.35 5167 0 0 0 13 0
14 static.   600 0.03 0.01 0.01 4.30MB 0.00 7.34 2213444 0 20 0 21 0
15 news.dewy.ru   479 6.90 0.01 0.01 3.29MB 0.00 7.03 6928 0 0 0 16 0
16 kotz.erje.net   448 3.52 0.01 0.01 1.17MB 0.00 2.68 12730 0 0 0 3 0
17 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   375 3.45 0.01 0.00 1.13MB 0.00 3.08 10865 0 0 0 4 0
18   213 6.59 0.00 0.00 150.07MB 0.04 721.46 3232 0 0 0 1 0
19 i2pn.org   200 3.15 0.00 0.00 637.04KB 0.00 3.19 6347 0 0 0 0 0
20 ddt.demos.su   189 26.51 0.00 0.00 753.20KB 0.00 3.99 713 0 0 0 0 0
21 kvm.chmurka.net   159 3.30 0.00 0.00 619.25KB 0.00 3.89 4816 0 0 0 0 0
22 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   152 1.44 0.00 0.00 443.03KB 0.00 2.91 10524 0 0 0 3 0
23 iqoq.erje.net   140 1.09 0.00 0.00 337.87KB 0.00 2.41 12850 0 0 0 0 0
24 usenet.pasdenom.info   132 1.84 0.00 0.00 318.24KB 0.00 2.41 7158 0 0 0 0 0
25 newsfeed.bofh.team   113 0.96 0.00 0.00 218.82KB 0.00 1.94 11797 0 0 0 1 0
26 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   50 0.44 0.00 0.00 117.92KB 0.00 2.36 11489 0 0 0 0 0
27 matrix.hispagatos.org   46 0.39 0.00 0.00 104.96KB 0.00 2.28 11726 0 0 0 0 0
28 callisto.xs3.de   41 0.42 0.00 0.00 72.06KB 0.00 1.76 9785 0 0 0 0 0
29 news-xfer.panix.com   37 0.46 0.00 0.00 160.90KB 0.00 4.35 8059 0 0 0 0 0
30 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   36 100.00 0.00 0.00 176.11KB 0.00 4.89 0 36 0 0 0 0
31 nntp.comgw.net   36 0.33 0.00 0.00 163.45KB 0.00 4.54 10847 0 0 0 0 0
32 pcls7.std.com   26 0.49 0.00 0.00 51.58KB 0.00 1.98 5334 0 0 0 0 0
33   21 0.21 0.00 0.00 39.76KB 0.00 1.89 9778 0 0 0 0 0
34 weidegrund.szaf.org   20 0.30 0.00 0.00 95.99KB 0.00 4.80 6686 0 0 0 1 0
35 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   10 0.21 0.00 0.00 15.99KB 0.00 1.60 4680 0 0 0 0 0
36 www.sysadmininc.com   5 0.07 0.00 0.00 7.99KB 0.00 1.60 7410 0 0 0 0 0
37 mantic.terraraq.uk   5 0.08 0.00 0.00 11.67KB 0.00 2.33 5981 0 0 0 0 0
38 server.samoylyk.net   3 0.04 0.00 0.00 4.05KB 0.00 1.35 8242 0 0 0 0 0
39 valhalla.ausics.net   2 0.04 0.00 0.00 1.82KB 0.00 0.91 5349 0 0 0 0 0
40 net-130-25-86-223.cust.vodafonedsl.it   2 1.01 0.00 0.00 2.88KB 0.00 1.44 199 0 0 0 0 0
41 news.nobody.at   1 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.42KB 0.00 1.42 10801 0 0 0 0 0
42 newsfeed.hasname.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 8322 0 0 0 0 0
43 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 8301 0 0 0 0 0
44 h1n1.swapon.de   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1492 0 0 0 0 0
45 cpc97078-uddi27-2-0-cust283.20-3.cable.virginm.net   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2811 0 0 0 0 0
46 cmpublishers.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1994 0 0 0 0 0
47   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 9278 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5620671 0.00 100.00 65.10 331.51GB 100.00 61.85 28586697 36 127 0 13494 0


Goto top of page

2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   102.28GB 30.85 9937.01 1783324 56.37 31.73 60.14 3162145 0 4 0 1508 0
2   100.68GB 30.37 9782.21 1770972 56.59 31.51 59.61 3128073 0 4 0 1572 0
3 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   91.00GB 27.45 8840.95 1587666 59.86 28.25 60.10 2650581 0 4 0 1582 0
4 abe005.ams.abavia.com   8.11GB 2.45 787.68 87959 5.46 1.56 96.65 1611560 0 0 0 37 0
5 abe004.ams.abavia.com   7.55GB 2.28 733.36 84830 4.97 1.51 93.30 1707632 0 0 0 29 0
6 abe006.ams.abavia.com   7.02GB 2.12 682.34 76810 4.49 1.37 95.87 1710767 0 0 0 37 0
7   4.96GB 1.50 482.03 74694 3.46 1.33 69.65 2156304 0 2 0 2750 0
8   4.70GB 1.42 457.01 71037 3.41 1.26 69.43 2080183 0 0 0 3075 0
9   4.57GB 1.38 444.17 67818 3.28 1.21 70.68 2067059 0 0 0 2743 0
10 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   370.25MB 0.11 35.13 3842 0.10 0.07 98.68 3834196 0 0 0 1 0
11   150.07MB 0.04 14.24 213 6.59 0.00 721.46 3232 0 0 0 1 0
12 npeer.as286.net   110.26MB 0.03 10.46 5243 0.26 0.09 21.53 2014764 0 93 0 94 0
13 feeder.eternal-september.org   6.03MB 0.00 0.57 2034 24.50 0.04 3.03 8298 0 0 0 3 0
14 static.   4.30MB 0.00 0.41 600 0.03 0.01 7.34 2213444 0 20 0 21 0
15 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   3.83MB 0.00 0.36 901 17.39 0.02 4.35 5167 0 0 0 13 0
16 news.dewy.ru   3.29MB 0.00 0.31 479 6.90 0.01 7.03 6928 0 0 0 16 0
17 kotz.erje.net   1.17MB 0.00 0.11 448 3.52 0.01 2.68 12730 0 0 0 3 0
18 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   1.13MB 0.00 0.11 375 3.45 0.01 3.08 10865 0 0 0 4 0
19 ddt.demos.su   753.20KB 0.00 0.07 189 26.51 0.00 3.99 713 0 0 0 0 0
20 i2pn.org   637.04KB 0.00 0.06 200 3.15 0.00 3.19 6347 0 0 0 0 0
21 kvm.chmurka.net   619.25KB 0.00 0.06 159 3.30 0.00 3.89 4816 0 0 0 0 0
22 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   443.03KB 0.00 0.04 152 1.44 0.00 2.91 10524 0 0 0 3 0
23 iqoq.erje.net   337.87KB 0.00 0.03 140 1.09 0.00 2.41 12850 0 0 0 0 0
24 usenet.pasdenom.info   318.24KB 0.00 0.03 132 1.84 0.00 2.41 7158 0 0 0 0 0
25 newsfeed.bofh.team   218.82KB 0.00 0.02 113 0.96 0.00 1.94 11797 0 0 0 1 0
26 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   176.11KB 0.00 0.02 36 100.00 0.00 4.89 0 36 0 0 0 0
27 nntp.comgw.net   163.45KB 0.00 0.02 36 0.33 0.00 4.54 10847 0 0 0 0 0
28 news-xfer.panix.com   160.90KB 0.00 0.01 37 0.46 0.00 4.35 8059 0 0 0 0 0
29 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   117.92KB 0.00 0.01 50 0.44 0.00 2.36 11489 0 0 0 0 0
30 matrix.hispagatos.org   104.96KB 0.00 0.01 46 0.39 0.00 2.28 11726 0 0 0 0 0
31 weidegrund.szaf.org   95.99KB 0.00 0.01 20 0.30 0.00 4.80 6686 0 0 0 1 0
32 callisto.xs3.de   72.06KB 0.00 0.01 41 0.42 0.00 1.76 9785 0 0 0 0 0
33 pcls7.std.com   51.58KB 0.00 0.00 26 0.49 0.00 1.98 5334 0 0 0 0 0
34   39.76KB 0.00 0.00 21 0.21 0.00 1.89 9778 0 0 0 0 0
35 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   15.99KB 0.00 0.00 10 0.21 0.00 1.60 4680 0 0 0 0 0
36 mantic.terraraq.uk   11.67KB 0.00 0.00 5 0.08 0.00 2.33 5981 0 0 0 0 0
37 www.sysadmininc.com   7.99KB 0.00 0.00 5 0.07 0.00 1.60 7410 0 0 0 0 0
38 server.samoylyk.net   4.05KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.04 0.00 1.35 8242 0 0 0 0 0
39 net-130-25-86-223.cust.vodafonedsl.it   2.88KB 0.00 0.00 2 1.01 0.00 1.44 199 0 0 0 0 0
40 valhalla.ausics.net   1.82KB 0.00 0.00 2 0.04 0.00 0.91 5349 0 0 0 0 0
41 news.nobody.at   1.42KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 1.42 10801 0 0 0 0 0
42 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8322 0 0 0 0 0
43 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8301 0 0 0 0 0
44 h1n1.swapon.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1492 0 0 0 0 0
45 cpc97078-uddi27-2-0-cust283.20-3.cable.virginm.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2811 0 0 0 0 0
46 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1994 0 0 0 0 0
47   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 9278 0 0 0 0 0
Total 331.51GB 100.00 32208.87 5620671 0.00 100.00 61.85 28586697 36 127 0 13494 0


Goto top of page

3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   384.72MB 29.79 36.50 71037 3.41 1.26 69.43 2080183 0 0 0 3075 0
2   349.66MB 27.08 33.18 67818 3.28 1.21 70.68 2067059 0 0 0 2743 0
3   257.63MB 19.95 24.44 74694 3.46 1.33 69.65 2156304 0 2 0 2750 0
4 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   96.66MB 7.48 9.17 1587666 59.86 28.25 60.10 2650581 0 4 0 1582 0
5   92.72MB 7.18 8.80 1770972 56.59 31.51 59.61 3128073 0 4 0 1572 0
6   85.03MB 6.58 8.07 1783324 56.37 31.73 60.14 3162145 0 4 0 1508 0
7 abe006.ams.abavia.com   13.00MB 1.01 1.23 76810 4.49 1.37 95.87 1710767 0 0 0 37 0
8 abe005.ams.abavia.com   7.24MB 0.56 0.69 87959 5.46 1.56 96.65 1611560 0 0 0 37 0
9 abe004.ams.abavia.com   2.73MB 0.21 0.26 84830 4.97 1.51 93.30 1707632 0 0 0 29 0
10   722.85KB 0.05 0.07 213 6.59 0.00 721.46 3232 0 0 0 1 0
11 newsfeed.bofh.team   368.34KB 0.03 0.03 113 0.96 0.00 1.94 11797 0 0 0 1 0
12 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   335.55KB 0.03 0.03 901 17.39 0.02 4.35 5167 0 0 0 13 0
13 news.dewy.ru   335.48KB 0.03 0.03 479 6.90 0.01 7.03 6928 0 0 0 16 0
14 npeer.as286.net   162.02KB 0.01 0.02 5243 0.26 0.09 21.53 2014764 0 93 0 94 0
15 static.   64.65KB 0.00 0.01 600 0.03 0.01 7.34 2213444 0 20 0 21 0
16 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   43.22KB 0.00 0.00 375 3.45 0.01 3.08 10865 0 0 0 4 0
17 feeder.eternal-september.org   17.12KB 0.00 0.00 2034 24.50 0.04 3.03 8298 0 0 0 3 0
18 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   16.83KB 0.00 0.00 152 1.44 0.00 2.91 10524 0 0 0 3 0
19 kotz.erje.net   9.10KB 0.00 0.00 448 3.52 0.01 2.68 12730 0 0 0 3 0
20 weidegrund.szaf.org   8.02KB 0.00 0.00 20 0.30 0.00 4.80 6686 0 0 0 1 0
21 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   1.33KB 0.00 0.00 3842 0.10 0.07 98.68 3834196 0 0 0 1 0
22 www.sysadmininc.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 5 0.07 0.00 1.60 7410 0 0 0 0 0
23 valhalla.ausics.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2 0.04 0.00 0.91 5349 0 0 0 0 0
24 usenet.pasdenom.info   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 132 1.84 0.00 2.41 7158 0 0 0 0 0
25 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 10 0.21 0.00 1.60 4680 0 0 0 0 0
26 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 36 100.00 0.00 4.89 0 36 0 0 0 0
27 server.samoylyk.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.04 0.00 1.35 8242 0 0 0 0 0
28 pcls7.std.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 26 0.49 0.00 1.98 5334 0 0 0 0 0
29 nntp.comgw.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 36 0.33 0.00 4.54 10847 0 0 0 0 0
30 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8322 0 0 0 0 0
31 news.nobody.at   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 1.42 10801 0 0 0 0 0
32 news-xfer.panix.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 37 0.46 0.00 4.35 8059 0 0 0 0 0
33 net-130-25-86-223.cust.vodafonedsl.it   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2 1.01 0.00 1.44 199 0 0 0 0 0
34 matrix.hispagatos.org   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 46 0.39 0.00 2.28 11726 0 0 0 0 0
35 mantic.terraraq.uk   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 5 0.08 0.00 2.33 5981 0 0 0 0 0
36 kvm.chmurka.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 159 3.30 0.00 3.89 4816 0 0 0 0 0
37 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8301 0 0 0 0 0
38 iqoq.erje.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 140 1.09 0.00 2.41 12850 0 0 0 0 0
39 i2pn.org   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 200 3.15 0.00 3.19 6347 0 0 0 0 0
40 h1n1.swapon.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1492 0 0 0 0 0
41 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 50 0.44 0.00 2.36 11489 0 0 0 0 0
42 ddt.demos.su   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 189 26.51 0.00 3.99 713 0 0 0 0 0
43 cpc97078-uddi27-2-0-cust283.20-3.cable.virginm.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2811 0 0 0 0 0
44 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1994 0 0 0 0 0
45 callisto.xs3.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 41 0.42 0.00 1.76 9785 0 0 0 0 0
46   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 21 0.21 0.00 1.89 9778 0 0 0 0 0
47   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 9278 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1.26GB 100.00 122.53 5620671 0.00 100.00 61.85 28586697 36 127 0 13494 0


Goto top of page

4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 393853 7.01 23.02GB 6.95 1675515 0 0 472 0
01 345865 6.15 19.86GB 5.99 1617058 0 0 451 0
02 382140 6.80 24.28GB 7.32 1918958 0 0 596 0
03 334149 5.95 18.85GB 5.69 1566177 0 0 452 0
04 393810 7.01 23.23GB 7.01 1929752 1 0 658 0
05 341953 6.08 19.69GB 5.94 1615420 0 0 537 0
06 324050 5.77 27.02GB 8.15 1567112 0 0 506 0
07 299868 5.34 18.98GB 5.72 1438088 0 60 677 0
08 100290 1.78 5.38GB 1.62 470623 0 0 404 0
09 41919 0.75 1.56GB 0.47 355099 1 43 424 0
10 185095 3.29 8.83GB 2.67 767508 1 0 363 0
11 244218 4.34 11.76GB 3.55 1062209 2 0 739 0
12 315008 5.60 15.79GB 4.76 1410614 3 2 488 0
13 193787 3.45 9.32GB 2.81 928384 1 2 780 0
14 49850 0.89 1.76GB 0.53 358059 2 0 408 0
15 39675 0.71 1.75GB 0.53 205589 2 0 387 0
16 63605 1.13 2.92GB 0.88 345496 1 0 502 0
17 312699 5.56 17.18GB 5.18 1321567 13 0 571 0
18 250717 4.46 13.13GB 3.96 3391065 9 20 677 0
19 227110 4.04 11.58GB 3.49 1098774 0 0 459 0
20 228725 4.07 12.51GB 3.77 984491 0 0 473 0
21 215447 3.83 17.94GB 5.41 989137 0 0 946 0
22 202566 3.60 15.69GB 4.73 938576 0 0 921 0
23 134272 2.39 9.48GB 2.86 631426 0 0 603 0
Total 5620671 100.00 331.51GB 100.00 28586697 36 127 13494 0


Goto top of page

5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   3508447 66.32 41.55 40.64 194.14GB 34.09 58.02 1624803 156567
2 npeer.as286.net   2991800 53.09 35.43 34.65 235.84GB 41.41 82.66 2641739 150357062.75
3 feed-me.usenet.farm   1192139 22.11 14.12 13.81 89.83GB 15.77 79.01 4146042 54137
4 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   330416 72.90 3.91 3.83 28.06GB 4.93 89.03 122803 27
5 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   189673 5.00 2.25 2.20 17.23GB 3.03 95.27 3591252 12635
6 news-in.neodome.net   168324 5.23 1.99 1.95 4.18GB 0.73 26.03 3051615 1570
7 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   8562 96.18 0.10 0.10 25.39MB 0.00 3.04 0 34023783.33
8 news.aulich.net   7926 89.05 0.09 0.09 21.14MB 0.00 2.73 0 975
9 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   5479 38.48 0.06 0.06 123.70MB 0.02 23.12 8497 262
10 news.1d4.us   3384 38.01 0.04 0.04 10.23MB 0.00 3.10 5515 3
11 news.cgarbs.de   2436 27.37 0.03 0.03 5.82MB 0.00 2.45 3561 2904
12 newsfeed.bofh.team   2417 27.51 0.03 0.03 7.87MB 0.00 3.33 6370 0 2138.94
13 newsfeed.hasname.com   2343 26.33 0.03 0.03 5.13MB 0.00 2.24 5820 735
14 news.ausics.net   2252 35.37 0.03 0.03 8.66MB 0.00 3.94 3910 205
15 news-in.usenet.ovh   2148 24.23 0.03 0.02 6.34MB 0.00 3.02 5976 742
16 usenet.network   2135 25.51 0.03 0.02 5.31MB 0.00 2.55 6031 204
17 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   2119 23.96 0.03 0.02 6.31MB 0.00 3.05 6559 166
18 nntp.theworld.com   2045 73.43 0.02 0.02 6.70MB 0.00 3.36 633 107
19 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   2015 22.73 0.02 0.02 6.22MB 0.00 3.16 6188 661
20 nntp.comgw.net   2006 22.62 0.02 0.02 4.28MB 0.00 2.18 6566 296 5572.22
21 news.nobody.at   2002 22.53 0.02 0.02 4.50MB 0.00 2.30 6569 316200200.00
22 i2pn.org   1693 19.45 0.02 0.02 3.37MB 0.00 2.04 6822 189 846.50
23 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   1599 20.34 0.02 0.02 3.42MB 0.00 2.19 6252 10
24 feeder.eternal-september.org   1510 22.31 0.02 0.02 2.90MB 0.00 1.96 5110 147 74.24
25 news.hispagatos.org   1460 16.47 0.02 0.02 3.66MB 0.00 2.57 6195 1212
26 news.furie.org.uk   1244 33.24 0.01 0.01 6.29MB 0.00 5.18 2404 94
27 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   1211 14.55 0.01 0.01 2.62MB 0.00 2.21 5960 1152
28 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   1177 13.22 0.01 0.01 2.98MB 0.00 2.59 6626 1097
29 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   986 11.19 0.01 0.01 2.58MB 0.00 2.68 5319 2507
30 news.samoylyk.net   923 10.37 0.01 0.01 2.03MB 0.00 2.25 7263 713
31 newsfeed.xs3.de   785 8.86 0.01 0.01 1.92MB 0.00 2.50 6600 1476
32 news.corradoroberto.it   708 7.96 0.01 0.01 1.78MB 0.00 2.58 194 7997
33 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   343 3.86 0.00 0.00 1.31MB 0.00 3.90 6598 1940
34 nntp.terraraq.uk   292 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.01MB 0.00 3.53 4120 454
35 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   283 3.20 0.00 0.00 912.09KB 0.00 3.22 3678 4884
36 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   199 8.01 0.00 0.00 604.28KB 0.00 3.04 2243 43
37 news.cmpublishers.com   173 4.64 0.00 0.00 617.55KB 0.00 3.57 2761 792
38 usenet.pasdenom.info   143 1.63 0.00 0.00 534.59KB 0.00 3.74 6362 2259 108.33
39 news.swapon.de   35 3.75 0.00 0.00 129.23KB 0.00 3.69 898 1
40 ddt.demos.su   8 1.52 0.00 0.00 13.37KB 0.00 1.67 517 0 4.23
Total 8444840 0.35 100.00 97.81 569.56GB 100.00 70.72 15336371 261322 150.25


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 npeer.as286.net   235.84GB 41.41 22913.98 2991800 53.09 35.43 82.66 2641739 1503219028.42
2 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   194.14GB 34.09 18862.20 3508447 66.32 41.55 58.02 1624803 156567
3 feed-me.usenet.farm   89.83GB 15.77 8727.87 1192139 22.11 14.12 79.01 4146042 54137
4 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   28.06GB 4.93 2725.82 330416 72.90 3.91 89.03 122803 27
5 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   17.23GB 3.03 1674.31 189673 5.00 2.25 95.27 3591252 12635
6 news-in.neodome.net   4.18GB 0.73 405.98 168324 5.23 1.99 26.03 3051615 1570
7 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   123.70MB 0.02 11.74 5479 38.48 0.06 23.12 8497 262
8 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   25.39MB 0.00 2.41 8562 96.18 0.10 3.04 0 34014762.17
9 news.aulich.net   21.14MB 0.00 2.01 7926 89.05 0.09 2.73 0 975
10 news.1d4.us   10.23MB 0.00 0.97 3384 38.01 0.04 3.10 5515 3
11 news.ausics.net   8.66MB 0.00 0.82 2252 35.37 0.03 3.94 3910 205
12 newsfeed.bofh.team   7.87MB 0.00 0.75 2417 27.51 0.03 3.33 6370 0 3681.78
13 nntp.theworld.com   6.70MB 0.00 0.64 2045 73.43 0.02 3.36 633 107
14 news-in.usenet.ovh   6.34MB 0.00 0.60 2148 24.23 0.03 3.02 5976 742
15 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   6.31MB 0.00 0.60 2119 23.96 0.03 3.05 6559 166
16 news.furie.org.uk   6.29MB 0.00 0.60 1244 33.24 0.01 5.18 2404 94
17 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   6.22MB 0.00 0.59 2015 22.73 0.02 3.16 6188 661
18 news.cgarbs.de   5.82MB 0.00 0.55 2436 27.37 0.03 2.45 3561 2904
19 usenet.network   5.31MB 0.00 0.50 2135 25.51 0.03 2.55 6031 204
20 newsfeed.hasname.com   5.13MB 0.00 0.49 2343 26.33 0.03 2.24 5820 735
21 news.nobody.at   4.50MB 0.00 0.43 2002 22.53 0.02 2.30 6569 316325175.24
22 nntp.comgw.net   4.28MB 0.00 0.41 2006 22.62 0.02 2.18 6566 296 2678.39
23 news.hispagatos.org   3.66MB 0.00 0.35 1460 16.47 0.02 2.57 6195 1212
24 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   3.42MB 0.00 0.32 1599 20.34 0.02 2.19 6252 10
25 i2pn.org   3.37MB 0.00 0.32 1693 19.45 0.02 2.04 6822 189 541.27
26 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   2.98MB 0.00 0.28 1177 13.22 0.01 2.59 6626 1097
27 feeder.eternal-september.org   2.90MB 0.00 0.27 1510 22.31 0.02 1.96 5110 147 48.08
28 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   2.62MB 0.00 0.25 1211 14.55 0.01 2.21 5960 1152
29 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   2.58MB 0.00 0.25 986 11.19 0.01 2.68 5319 2507
30 news.samoylyk.net   2.03MB 0.00 0.19 923 10.37 0.01 2.25 7263 713
31 newsfeed.xs3.de   1.92MB 0.00 0.18 785 8.86 0.01 2.50 6600 1476
32 news.corradoroberto.it   1.78MB 0.00 0.17 708 7.96 0.01 2.58 194 7997
33 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   1.31MB 0.00 0.12 343 3.86 0.00 3.90 6598 1940
34 nntp.terraraq.uk   1.01MB 0.00 0.10 292 6.00 0.00 3.53 4120 454
35 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   912.09KB 0.00 0.08 283 3.20 0.00 3.22 3678 4884
36 news.cmpublishers.com   617.55KB 0.00 0.06 173 4.64 0.00 3.57 2761 792
37 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   604.28KB 0.00 0.06 199 8.01 0.00 3.04 2243 43
38 usenet.pasdenom.info   534.59KB 0.00 0.05 143 1.63 0.00 3.74 6362 2259 167.98
39 news.swapon.de   129.23KB 0.00 0.01 35 3.75 0.00 3.69 898 1
40 ddt.demos.su   13.37KB 0.00 0.00 8 1.52 0.00 1.67 517 0 1.78
Total 569.56GB 100.00 55337.33 8444840 0.35 100.00 70.72 15336371 261322 171.81


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   8.57GB 63.77 832.75 3508447 66.32 41.55 58.02 1624803 156567
2 feed-me.usenet.farm   3.36GB 24.97 326.06 1192139 22.11 14.12 79.01 4146042 54137
3 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   1.29GB 9.62 125.59 189673 5.00 2.25 95.27 3591252 12635
4 npeer.as286.net   110.90MB 0.81 10.52 2991800 53.09 35.43 82.66 2641739 1503 100.58
5 news-in.neodome.net   40.19MB 0.29 3.81 168324 5.23 1.99 26.03 3051615 1570
6 news.corradoroberto.it   16.54MB 0.12 1.57 708 7.96 0.01 2.58 194 7997
7 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   7.26MB 0.05 0.69 283 3.20 0.00 3.22 3678 4884
8 news.cgarbs.de   6.26MB 0.05 0.59 2436 27.37 0.03 2.45 3561 2904
9 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   5.03MB 0.04 0.48 986 11.19 0.01 2.68 5319 2507
10 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   4.56MB 0.03 0.43 343 3.86 0.00 3.90 6598 1940
11 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   3.90MB 0.03 0.37 5479 38.48 0.06 23.12 8497 262
12 newsfeed.xs3.de   2.88MB 0.02 0.27 785 8.86 0.01 2.50 6600 1476
13 usenet.pasdenom.info   2.60MB 0.02 0.25 143 1.63 0.00 3.74 6362 2259 835.55
14 news.aulich.net   2.58MB 0.02 0.24 7926 89.05 0.09 2.73 0 975
15 news.hispagatos.org   2.55MB 0.02 0.24 1460 16.47 0.02 2.57 6195 1212
16 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   2.51MB 0.02 0.24 1177 13.22 0.01 2.59 6626 1097
17 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   2.03MB 0.01 0.19 1211 14.55 0.01 2.21 5960 1152
18 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   1.99MB 0.01 0.19 330416 72.90 3.91 89.03 122803 27
19 news-in.usenet.ovh   1.98MB 0.01 0.19 2148 24.23 0.03 3.02 5976 742
20 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   1.89MB 0.01 0.18 2015 22.73 0.02 3.16 6188 661
21 newsfeed.hasname.com   1.38MB 0.01 0.13 2343 26.33 0.03 2.24 5820 735
22 news.samoylyk.net   1.27MB 0.01 0.12 923 10.37 0.01 2.25 7263 713
23 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   992.55KB 0.01 0.09 8562 96.18 0.10 3.04 0 340 563.58
24 nntp.terraraq.uk   929.76KB 0.01 0.09 292 6.00 0.00 3.53 4120 454
25 news.cmpublishers.com   857.69KB 0.01 0.08 173 4.64 0.00 3.57 2761 792
26 news.ausics.net   774.22KB 0.01 0.07 2252 35.37 0.03 3.94 3910 205
27 news.nobody.at   625.09KB 0.00 0.06 2002 22.53 0.02 2.30 6569 31644144.00
28 nntp.comgw.net   558.94KB 0.00 0.05 2006 22.62 0.02 2.18 6566 296 341.97
29 usenet.network   520.59KB 0.00 0.05 2135 25.51 0.03 2.55 6031 204
30 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   507.76KB 0.00 0.05 2119 23.96 0.03 3.05 6559 166
31 news.furie.org.uk   403.44KB 0.00 0.04 1244 33.24 0.01 5.18 2404 94
32 i2pn.org   386.43KB 0.00 0.04 1693 19.45 0.02 2.04 6822 189 60.66
33 nntp.theworld.com   380.10KB 0.00 0.04 2045 73.43 0.02 3.36 633 107
34 feeder.eternal-september.org   335.80KB 0.00 0.03 1510 22.31 0.02 1.96 5110 147 5.44
35 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   68.67KB 0.00 0.01 199 8.01 0.00 3.04 2243 43
36 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   39.00KB 0.00 0.00 1599 20.34 0.02 2.19 6252 10
37 news.1d4.us   15.71KB 0.00 0.00 3384 38.01 0.04 3.10 5515 3
38 newsfeed.bofh.team   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2417 27.51 0.03 3.33 6370 0 0.00
39 news.swapon.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 35 3.75 0.00 3.69 898 1
40 ddt.demos.su   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 8 1.52 0.00 1.67 517 0 0.00
Total 13.44GB 100.00 1305.80 8444840 0.35 100.00 70.72 15336371 261322 4.05


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 429047 5.08 28.55GB 5.01 1079022 7570
01 448962 5.32 29.59GB 5.20 1079231 10314
02 493932 5.85 37.43GB 6.57 1129456 8485
03 441483 5.23 29.52GB 5.18 909882 11735
04 462597 5.48 35.40GB 6.22 1106377 9183
05 439351 5.20 29.66GB 5.21 1016727 12294
06 406210 4.81 50.32GB 8.83 1013161 12555
07 385372 4.56 34.52GB 6.06 836833 14678
08 209169 2.48 12.02GB 2.11 342477 7853
09 133987 1.59 4.55GB 0.80 60650 4402
10 295765 3.50 15.85GB 2.78 420510 10256
11 450988 5.34 24.36GB 4.28 596507 15440
12 440671 5.22 25.55GB 4.49 855080 14261
13 345740 4.09 17.54GB 3.08 595504 11744
14 134923 1.60 3.77GB 0.66 67700 4600
15 117755 1.39 4.83GB 0.85 61313 4172
16 141528 1.68 5.93GB 1.04 81687 4721
17 425635 5.04 26.29GB 4.62 896252 11595
18 428929 5.08 25.12GB 4.41 672640 12861
19 403162 4.77 21.93GB 3.85 578917 13909
20 409003 4.84 24.06GB 4.22 550513 15608
21 387908 4.59 31.03GB 5.45 505003 16252
22 335489 3.97 31.25GB 5.49 554121 13900
23 277234 3.28 20.48GB 3.60 326808 12934
Total 8444840 100.00 569.56GB 100.00 15336371 261322


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%FullAv. Pending
usenetfrm-b 42972-42974 2 40 5 11.3
usenetfrm-a 166099-166101 2 40 5 11.3
xs3 165386-165387 1 40 2 1.3
weretis 165261-165262 1 40 2 1.1
usenetnetwork 165266-165267 1 40 2 1.3
usenetfrm-c 42973-42974 1 40 2 11.2
ue-c 24556-24557 1 40 2 4.0
ue-b 24553-24554 1 40 2 4.0
ue-a 166094-166095 1 40 2 4.2
tnet 165393-165394 1 40 2 3.4
theworld 161108-161109 1 40 2 1.0
teraraquk 164292-164293 1 40 2 1.1
szaf 165386-165387 1 40 2 1.2
samoylyk 165398-165399 1 40 2 1.5
pasdenom 165376-165377 1 40 2 1.3
panix 165394-165395 1 40 2 1.3
paganini 131849-131850 1 40 2 1.2
ovh 130734-130735 1 40 2 1.3
nobodyat 165386-165387 1 40 2 1.3
neodome-a 166100-166101 1 40 2 12.6
mbnet 165388-165389 1 40 2 1.3
i2pn 165365-165366 1 40 2 1.6
hispagatos 122861-122862 1 40 2 1.2
highwinds-c 29195-29196 1 40 2 1.4
highwinds-b 29195-29196 1 40 2 1.5
highwinds-a 166100-166101 1 40 2 1.4
hasname 165392-165393 1 40 2 2.0
furie 162637-162638 1 40 2 1.3
fuberlin 165190-165191 1 40 2 1.1
eternalseptember 164700-164701 1 40 2 1.4
erje 165419-165420 1 40 2 2.5
endline 165397-165398 1 40 2 3.9
demos.su 91345-91346 1 40 2 0.0
corradoroberto 62900-62901 1 40 2 1.2
comgw 134778-134779 1 40 2 1.3
cmpublish 162620-162621 1 40 2 2.0
chmurka 157897-157898 1 40 2 1.0
chiark 165377-165378 1 40 2 1.2
cgarbs 165398-165399 1 40 2 1.3
ausics 164956-164957 1 40 2 1.3
aulich 165398-165399 1 40 2 1.2
as286-b 96723-96724 1 40 2 10.7
as286-a 166100-166101 1 40 2 10.7
abavia-c 29640-29641 1 40 2 10.1
abavia-b 48929-48930 1 40 2 10.2
abavia-a 166099-166100 1 40 2 10.2
1d4 165397-165398 1 40 2 3.9
swapon 135735-135735 0 40 0 0.6
spool1-text 116009-116010 1 2000000 0 1.1
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10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:30:00  22:25:00 40 feed-me.usenet.farm: Connection refused
00:07:12  23:23:56 37 (no permission)
00:18:39  23:18:37 30 (no permission)
00:30:08  23:30:12 22 newsfeed.hasname.com: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
02:30:02  12:15:15 4 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net: 502 3.eu.feeder.erje.net: Transfer permission denied to - newsmaster@erje.net (DIABLO 6-CUR-20170901-00)
02:05:01  02:05:01 2 feed-me.usenet.farm: (unknown error)
20:47:49  21:15:04 2 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of failed
00:10:44   1 nntp.terraraq.uk: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
15:30:02   1 newsfeed.hasname.com: Connection refused
21:16:44   1 news.corradoroberto.it: Connection refused
01:06:52   1 news.1d4.us: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
19:25:19   1 news-in.usenet.ovh: (unknown error)
19:44:04   1 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
16:52:27   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: apzg-0727-m-062.stretchoid.com/
19:32:03   1 (no permission)
16:52:27   1 (no permission)
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11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 1 of 1)

HostBy Post RateBy Dup Body# Articles
 1 0 5 5
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