
DIABLO statistics for diablo1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com on Tue 30 Jul 2024

Newsfeed Contact: Jesse Rehmer

Generated on 20240730 2359 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity
  11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 4 of 4)

Diablo running processes:  61    Dnewslink running processes:  50

DIABLO uptime=742:01 arts=37.044M tested=0 bytes=3.173T fed=147.466M

11:59PM  up 30 days, 22:04, 1 user, load averages: 0.18, 0.22, 0.17

Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
news                  385G    184G    201G    48%    /news
news/log              201G    439M    201G     0%    /news/log
tmpfs                  10G    2.5G    7.6G    24%    /news/history

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   259498 23.69 16.29 3.01 18.76GB 16.41 75.80 1093889 0 8 0 1622 0
2   253803 23.86 15.94 2.94 17.10GB 14.96 70.65 1061325 0 5 0 2197 0
3 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   230204 21.54 14.45 2.67 15.62GB 13.67 71.16 1066229 0 11 0 2244 0
4   170203 34.60 10.69 1.97 11.04GB 9.66 68.00 488205 0 9 0 3657 0
5   169281 36.05 10.63 1.96 11.48GB 10.04 71.12 465654 0 10 0 3953 0
6   152635 30.52 9.58 1.77 10.13GB 8.86 69.57 496121 0 22 0 4011 0
7 abe004.ams.abavia.com   96980 28.21 6.09 1.12 6.01GB 5.26 64.96 343489 0 16 0 222 0
8 abe007.ams.abavia.com   88012 25.77 5.53 1.02 5.47GB 4.79 65.22 341313 0 5 0 166 0
9 abe006.ams.abavia.com   77765 22.71 4.88 0.90 4.98GB 4.36 67.15 342130 0 20 0 213 0
10 abe005.ams.abavia.com   70947 20.73 4.45 0.82 4.35GB 3.80 64.27 342004 0 21 0 184 0
11   13612 26.31 0.85 0.16 9.28GB 8.12 714.86 51520 0 0 0 222 0
12 feeder.eternal-september.org   1865 24.82 0.12 0.02 6.37MB 0.01 3.50 7493 0 2 0 19 0
13 npeer.as286.net   1200 2.67 0.08 0.01 16.98MB 0.01 14.49 45001 0 10 0 13 0
14 static.   1097 1.70 0.07 0.01 6.24MB 0.01 5.82 64334 0 6 0 17 0
15 kotz.erje.net   1054 10.35 0.07 0.01 4.77MB 0.00 4.63 10179 0 0 0 2 0
16 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   698 13.72 0.04 0.01 1.86MB 0.00 2.73 5084 0 0 0 4 0
17 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   673 0.61 0.04 0.01 45.31MB 0.04 68.94 110775 0 0 0 2 0
18 news-xfer.panix.com   500 5.24 0.03 0.01 576.06KB 0.00 1.15 9537 0 0 0 0 0
19 news.dewy.ru   443 6.75 0.03 0.01 4.65MB 0.00 10.75 6545 0 0 0 18 0
20 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   352 4.66 0.02 0.00 1016.12KB 0.00 2.89 7558 0 0 0 0 0
21 net-188-216-37-122.cust.vodafonedsl.it   306 21.97 0.02 0.00 1.62MB 0.00 5.42 1376 0 0 0 17 0
22 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   279 2.80 0.02 0.00 765.32KB 0.00 2.74 9970 0 0 0 9 0
23 i2pn.org   226 3.70 0.01 0.00 930.24KB 0.00 4.12 6104 0 0 0 0 0
24 kvm.chmurka.net   150 2.95 0.01 0.00 574.42KB 0.00 3.83 5079 0 0 0 0 0
25 iqoq.erje.net   146 1.41 0.01 0.00 703.91KB 0.00 4.82 10359 0 0 0 0 0
26 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   137 1.13 0.01 0.00 686.17KB 0.00 5.01 12077 0 0 0 2 0
27 server.samoylyk.net   122 1.27 0.01 0.00 603.29KB 0.00 4.94 9579 0 0 0 7 0
28 ddt.demos.su   110 40.29 0.01 0.00 336.25KB 0.00 3.06 262 0 0 0 11 0
29 newsfeed.bofh.team   87 0.77 0.01 0.00 142.71KB 0.00 1.64 11288 0 0 0 0 0
30 usenet.pasdenom.info   86 1.22 0.01 0.00 202.39KB 0.00 2.35 7051 0 0 0 0 0
31 matrix.hispagatos.org   70 0.65 0.00 0.00 239.77KB 0.00 3.43 10813 0 0 0 0 0
32 nntp.comgw.net   48 0.45 0.00 0.00 108.17KB 0.00 2.25 10687 0 0 0 1 0
33 callisto.xs3.de   40 0.43 0.00 0.00 106.13KB 0.00 2.65 9406 0 0 0 1 0
34   35 100.00 0.00 0.00 174.25KB 0.00 4.98 0 35 0 0 0 0
35 mantic.terraraq.uk   21 0.36 0.00 0.00 70.26KB 0.00 3.35 5915 0 0 0 0 0
36 pcls7.std.com   20 0.35 0.00 0.00 27.12KB 0.00 1.36 5673 0 0 0 0 0
37 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   10 0.22 0.00 0.00 15.15KB 0.00 1.51 4597 0 0 0 0 0
38   9 0.10 0.00 0.00 11.49KB 0.00 1.28 9282 0 0 0 0 0
39 weidegrund.szaf.org   6 0.09 0.00 0.00 34.39KB 0.00 5.73 6692 0 0 0 0 0
40 valhalla.ausics.net   3 0.06 0.00 0.00 4.11KB 0.00 1.37 5114 0 0 0 0 0
41 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   3 0.04 0.00 0.00 3.77KB 0.00 1.26 7523 0 0 0 0 0
42 news.nobody.at   1 0.01 0.00 0.00 5.26KB 0.00 5.26 10626 0 0 0 0 0
43 h1n1.swapon.de   1 0.06 0.00 0.00 1.57KB 0.00 1.57 1575 0 0 0 0 0
44 uddi-32-b2-v4wan-167373-cust1118.vm12.cable.virginm.net   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 3572 0 0 0 0 0
45 newsfeed.hasname.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 6815 0 0 0 0 0
46 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 6381 0 0 0 0 0
47 cmpublishers.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1934 0 0 0 0 0
48   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 8359 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1592738 0.00 100.00 18.45 114.31GB 100.00 75.26 6546494 35 145 0 18814 0


Goto top of page

2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   18.76GB 16.41 1822.54 259498 23.69 16.29 75.80 1093889 0 8 0 1622 0
2   17.10GB 14.96 1661.43 253803 23.86 15.94 70.65 1061325 0 5 0 2197 0
3 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   15.62GB 13.67 1517.76 230204 21.54 14.45 71.16 1066229 0 11 0 2244 0
4   11.48GB 10.04 1115.49 169281 36.05 10.63 71.12 465654 0 10 0 3953 0
5   11.04GB 9.66 1072.37 170203 34.60 10.69 68.00 488205 0 9 0 3657 0
6   10.13GB 8.86 983.86 152635 30.52 9.58 69.57 496121 0 22 0 4011 0
7   9.28GB 8.12 901.62 13612 26.31 0.85 714.86 51520 0 0 0 222 0
8 abe004.ams.abavia.com   6.01GB 5.26 583.74 96980 28.21 6.09 64.96 343489 0 16 0 222 0
9 abe007.ams.abavia.com   5.47GB 4.79 531.90 88012 25.77 5.53 65.22 341313 0 5 0 166 0
10 abe006.ams.abavia.com   4.98GB 4.36 483.84 77765 22.71 4.88 67.15 342130 0 20 0 213 0
11 abe005.ams.abavia.com   4.35GB 3.80 422.50 70947 20.73 4.45 64.27 342004 0 21 0 184 0
12 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   45.31MB 0.04 4.30 673 0.61 0.04 68.94 110775 0 0 0 2 0
13 npeer.as286.net   16.98MB 0.01 1.61 1200 2.67 0.08 14.49 45001 0 10 0 13 0
14 feeder.eternal-september.org   6.37MB 0.01 0.60 1865 24.82 0.12 3.50 7493 0 2 0 19 0
15 static.   6.24MB 0.01 0.59 1097 1.70 0.07 5.82 64334 0 6 0 17 0
16 kotz.erje.net   4.77MB 0.00 0.45 1054 10.35 0.07 4.63 10179 0 0 0 2 0
17 news.dewy.ru   4.65MB 0.00 0.44 443 6.75 0.03 10.75 6545 0 0 0 18 0
18 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   1.86MB 0.00 0.18 698 13.72 0.04 2.73 5084 0 0 0 4 0
19 net-188-216-37-122.cust.vodafonedsl.it   1.62MB 0.00 0.15 306 21.97 0.02 5.42 1376 0 0 0 17 0
20 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   1016.12KB 0.00 0.09 352 4.66 0.02 2.89 7558 0 0 0 0 0
21 i2pn.org   930.24KB 0.00 0.09 226 3.70 0.01 4.12 6104 0 0 0 0 0
22 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   765.32KB 0.00 0.07 279 2.80 0.02 2.74 9970 0 0 0 9 0
23 iqoq.erje.net   703.91KB 0.00 0.07 146 1.41 0.01 4.82 10359 0 0 0 0 0
24 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   686.17KB 0.00 0.06 137 1.13 0.01 5.01 12077 0 0 0 2 0
25 server.samoylyk.net   603.29KB 0.00 0.06 122 1.27 0.01 4.94 9579 0 0 0 7 0
26 news-xfer.panix.com   576.06KB 0.00 0.05 500 5.24 0.03 1.15 9537 0 0 0 0 0
27 kvm.chmurka.net   574.42KB 0.00 0.05 150 2.95 0.01 3.83 5079 0 0 0 0 0
28 ddt.demos.su   336.25KB 0.00 0.03 110 40.29 0.01 3.06 262 0 0 0 11 0
29 matrix.hispagatos.org   239.77KB 0.00 0.02 70 0.65 0.00 3.43 10813 0 0 0 0 0
30 usenet.pasdenom.info   202.39KB 0.00 0.02 86 1.22 0.01 2.35 7051 0 0 0 0 0
31   174.25KB 0.00 0.02 35 100.00 0.00 4.98 0 35 0 0 0 0
32 newsfeed.bofh.team   142.71KB 0.00 0.01 87 0.77 0.01 1.64 11288 0 0 0 0 0
33 nntp.comgw.net   108.17KB 0.00 0.01 48 0.45 0.00 2.25 10687 0 0 0 1 0
34 callisto.xs3.de   106.13KB 0.00 0.01 40 0.43 0.00 2.65 9406 0 0 0 1 0
35 mantic.terraraq.uk   70.26KB 0.00 0.01 21 0.36 0.00 3.35 5915 0 0 0 0 0
36 weidegrund.szaf.org   34.39KB 0.00 0.00 6 0.09 0.00 5.73 6692 0 0 0 0 0
37 pcls7.std.com   27.12KB 0.00 0.00 20 0.35 0.00 1.36 5673 0 0 0 0 0
38 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   15.15KB 0.00 0.00 10 0.22 0.00 1.51 4597 0 0 0 0 0
39   11.49KB 0.00 0.00 9 0.10 0.00 1.28 9282 0 0 0 0 0
40 news.nobody.at   5.26KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 5.26 10626 0 0 0 0 0
41 valhalla.ausics.net   4.11KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.06 0.00 1.37 5114 0 0 0 0 0
42 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   3.77KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.04 0.00 1.26 7523 0 0 0 0 0
43 h1n1.swapon.de   1.57KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.06 0.00 1.57 1575 0 0 0 0 0
44 uddi-32-b2-v4wan-167373-cust1118.vm12.cable.virginm.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 3572 0 0 0 0 0
45 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6815 0 0 0 0 0
46 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6381 0 0 0 0 0
47 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1934 0 0 0 0 0
48   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8359 0 0 0 0 0
Total 114.31GB 100.00 11106.05 1592738 0.00 100.00 75.26 6546494 35 145 0 18814 0


Goto top of page

3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   521.31MB 23.43 49.46 170203 34.60 10.69 68.00 488205 0 9 0 3657 0
2   457.76MB 20.57 43.43 152635 30.52 9.58 69.57 496121 0 22 0 4011 0
3   451.00MB 20.27 42.79 169281 36.05 10.63 71.12 465654 0 10 0 3953 0
4   232.75MB 10.46 22.08 253803 23.86 15.94 70.65 1061325 0 5 0 2197 0
5 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   207.97MB 9.35 19.73 230204 21.54 14.45 71.16 1066229 0 11 0 2244 0
6   154.23MB 6.93 14.63 13612 26.31 0.85 714.86 51520 0 0 0 222 0
7   81.86MB 3.68 7.77 259498 23.69 16.29 75.80 1093889 0 8 0 1622 0
8 abe005.ams.abavia.com   34.74MB 1.56 3.30 70947 20.73 4.45 64.27 342004 0 21 0 184 0
9 abe004.ams.abavia.com   28.89MB 1.30 2.74 96980 28.21 6.09 64.96 343489 0 16 0 222 0
10 abe007.ams.abavia.com   27.56MB 1.24 2.62 88012 25.77 5.53 65.22 341313 0 5 0 166 0
11 abe006.ams.abavia.com   26.30MB 1.18 2.49 77765 22.71 4.88 67.15 342130 0 20 0 213 0
12 news.dewy.ru   297.46KB 0.01 0.03 443 6.75 0.03 10.75 6545 0 0 0 18 0
13 net-188-216-37-122.cust.vodafonedsl.it   291.58KB 0.01 0.03 306 21.97 0.02 5.42 1376 0 0 0 17 0
14 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   82.19KB 0.00 0.01 279 2.80 0.02 2.74 9970 0 0 0 9 0
15 static.   75.68KB 0.00 0.01 1097 1.70 0.07 5.82 64334 0 6 0 17 0
16 feeder.eternal-september.org   59.69KB 0.00 0.01 1865 24.82 0.12 3.50 7493 0 2 0 19 0
17 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   39.93KB 0.00 0.00 673 0.61 0.04 68.94 110775 0 0 0 2 0
18 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   38.36KB 0.00 0.00 698 13.72 0.04 2.73 5084 0 0 0 4 0
19 server.samoylyk.net   31.02KB 0.00 0.00 122 1.27 0.01 4.94 9579 0 0 0 7 0
20 npeer.as286.net   30.76KB 0.00 0.00 1200 2.67 0.08 14.49 45001 0 10 0 13 0
21 ddt.demos.su   19.08KB 0.00 0.00 110 40.29 0.01 3.06 262 0 0 0 11 0
22 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   12.34KB 0.00 0.00 137 1.13 0.01 5.01 12077 0 0 0 2 0
23 callisto.xs3.de   12.05KB 0.00 0.00 40 0.43 0.00 2.65 9406 0 0 0 1 0
24 nntp.comgw.net   4.95KB 0.00 0.00 48 0.45 0.00 2.25 10687 0 0 0 1 0
25 kotz.erje.net   2.50KB 0.00 0.00 1054 10.35 0.07 4.63 10179 0 0 0 2 0
26 weidegrund.szaf.org   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 6 0.09 0.00 5.73 6692 0 0 0 0 0
27 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 352 4.66 0.02 2.89 7558 0 0 0 0 0
28 valhalla.ausics.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.06 0.00 1.37 5114 0 0 0 0 0
29 usenet.pasdenom.info   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 86 1.22 0.01 2.35 7051 0 0 0 0 0
30 uddi-32-b2-v4wan-167373-cust1118.vm12.cable.virginm.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 3572 0 0 0 0 0
31 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 10 0.22 0.00 1.51 4597 0 0 0 0 0
32 pcls7.std.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 20 0.35 0.00 1.36 5673 0 0 0 0 0
33 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6815 0 0 0 0 0
34 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6381 0 0 0 0 0
35 newsfeed.bofh.team   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 87 0.77 0.01 1.64 11288 0 0 0 0 0
36 news.nobody.at   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 5.26 10626 0 0 0 0 0
37 news-xfer.panix.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 500 5.24 0.03 1.15 9537 0 0 0 0 0
38 matrix.hispagatos.org   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 70 0.65 0.00 3.43 10813 0 0 0 0 0
39 mantic.terraraq.uk   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 21 0.36 0.00 3.35 5915 0 0 0 0 0
40 kvm.chmurka.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 150 2.95 0.01 3.83 5079 0 0 0 0 0
41 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.04 0.00 1.26 7523 0 0 0 0 0
42 iqoq.erje.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 146 1.41 0.01 4.82 10359 0 0 0 0 0
43 i2pn.org   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 226 3.70 0.01 4.12 6104 0 0 0 0 0
44 h1n1.swapon.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.06 0.00 1.57 1575 0 0 0 0 0
45 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1934 0 0 0 0 0
46   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 35 100.00 0.00 4.98 0 35 0 0 0 0
47   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 9 0.10 0.00 1.28 9282 0 0 0 0 0
48   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8359 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2.17GB 100.00 211.14 1592738 0.00 100.00 75.26 6546494 35 145 0 18814 0


Goto top of page

4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 230166 14.45 14.11GB 12.35 715557 0 0 3370 0
01 23270 1.46 1.10GB 0.97 99120 1 0 178 0
02 32239 2.02 2.14GB 1.88 167767 0 0 638 0
03 16343 1.03 830.73MB 0.71 70278 2 0 60 0
04 47221 2.96 2.62GB 2.29 210541 0 0 761 0
05 26157 1.64 1.53GB 1.34 95551 0 0 199 0
06 45137 2.83 1.82GB 1.59 230967 0 34 755 0
07 88429 5.55 5.72GB 5.01 445850 1 1 1418 0
08 162447 10.20 9.24GB 8.08 589896 0 0 1945 0
09 43174 2.71 2.54GB 2.22 244732 0 0 565 0
10 28124 1.77 1.27GB 1.11 134645 0 0 107 0
11 41326 2.59 2.28GB 2.00 159987 3 4 552 0
12 52815 3.32 3.01GB 2.63 205004 0 89 322 0
13 55085 3.46 5.81GB 5.08 264204 2 9 601 0
14 83235 5.23 11.94GB 10.45 242062 0 0 435 0
15 81992 5.15 8.23GB 7.20 209404 0 0 375 0
16 29799 1.87 1.06GB 0.93 80533 1 0 126 0
17 62462 3.92 3.21GB 2.81 261688 13 6 148 0
18 116420 7.31 4.11GB 3.59 460075 8 0 405 0
19 89549 5.62 3.54GB 3.10 418262 0 2 824 0
20 63400 3.98 5.39GB 4.72 323849 0 0 734 0
21 103325 6.49 20.14GB 17.62 519214 0 0 3454 0
22 39077 2.45 1.27GB 1.11 212261 4 0 524 0
23 31546 1.98 1.40GB 1.23 185047 0 0 318 0
Total 1592738 100.00 114.31GB 100.00 6546494 35 145 18814 0


Goto top of page

5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 npeer.as286.net   1554521 95.93 39.94 18.00 115.50GB 43.95 77.91 65864 132129543.42
2 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   648839 78.32 16.67 7.51 47.33GB 18.01 76.49 179548 44
3 feed-me.usenet.farm   647603 47.36 16.64 7.50 36.76GB 13.99 59.52 649794 70138
4 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   493691 76.51 12.68 5.72 40.63GB 15.46 86.29 139125 12471
5 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   291983 32.30 7.50 3.38 18.97GB 7.22 68.12 598621 13479
6 news-in.neodome.net   205022 79.81 5.27 2.37 3.42GB 1.30 17.51 51097 770
7 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   8101 83.77 0.21 0.09 28.21MB 0.01 3.57 0 1569
8 news.aulich.net   7123 74.03 0.18 0.08 21.30MB 0.01 3.06 0 2499
9 news.1d4.us   3723 38.69 0.10 0.04 14.86MB 0.01 4.09 5886 13
10 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   3157 31.52 0.08 0.04 61.66MB 0.02 20.00 6668 191
11 news.ausics.net   2646 33.61 0.07 0.03 10.69MB 0.00 4.14 4233 994
12 newsfeed.bofh.team   1897 21.81 0.05 0.02 6.02MB 0.00 3.25 6798 3 2180.46
13 news.cgarbs.de   1732 18.01 0.04 0.02 4.30MB 0.00 2.54 3702 4185
14 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   1648 18.07 0.04 0.02 7.86MB 0.00 4.89 6999 474
15 news.hispagatos.org   1639 17.24 0.04 0.02 4.51MB 0.00 2.82 6240 1627
16 nntp.theworld.com   1610 54.41 0.04 0.02 5.95MB 0.00 3.78 1189 160
17 newsfeed.hasname.com   1453 15.11 0.04 0.02 3.83MB 0.00 2.70 6135 2028
18 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   1343 14.18 0.03 0.02 6.04MB 0.00 4.60 7453 677
19 usenet.network   1324 14.45 0.03 0.02 3.63MB 0.00 2.81 6211 1625
20 news-in.usenet.ovh   1285 13.45 0.03 0.01 6.23MB 0.00 4.96 6367 1901
21 news.nobody.at   1266 13.24 0.03 0.01 3.13MB 0.00 2.53 7492 805126600.00
22 nntp.comgw.net   1253 13.03 0.03 0.01 3.06MB 0.00 2.50 7613 747 2610.42
23 news.furie.org.uk   1054 24.93 0.03 0.01 5.89MB 0.00 5.72 3051 122
24 i2pn.org   946 10.08 0.02 0.01 1.91MB 0.00 2.07 6939 1499 418.58
25 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   934 9.71 0.02 0.01 2.27MB 0.00 2.49 8093 591
26 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   880 9.27 0.02 0.01 2.75MB 0.00 3.20 6191 2419
27 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   864 9.75 0.02 0.01 2.22MB 0.00 2.63 7548 449
28 feeder.eternal-september.org   843 10.93 0.02 0.01 1.93MB 0.00 2.35 6750 119 45.20
29 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   832 9.52 0.02 0.01 2.06MB 0.00 2.54 7186 720
30 news.samoylyk.net   665 7.03 0.02 0.01 1.63MB 0.00 2.51 7996 798
31 newsfeed.xs3.de   572 5.97 0.01 0.01 1.44MB 0.00 2.58 6822 2185
32 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   373 3.88 0.01 0.00 1.17MB 0.00 3.22 7500 1743
33 usenet.pasdenom.info   353 3.70 0.01 0.00 1.03MB 0.00 2.98 6404 2776 410.47
34 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   285 2.98 0.01 0.00 845.28KB 0.00 2.97 4622 4670
35 nntp.terraraq.uk   279 5.58 0.01 0.00 907.61KB 0.00 3.25 4380 338
36 news.cmpublishers.com   191 4.60 0.00 0.00 654.69KB 0.00 3.43 3247 712
37 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   154 5.88 0.00 0.00 485.63KB 0.00 3.15 2422 43
38 news.corradoroberto.it   151 1.62 0.00 0.00 523.62KB 0.00 3.47 909 8254
39 news.swapon.de   19 2.00 0.00 0.00 61.41KB 0.00 3.23 930 0
40 ddt.demos.su   5 1.92 0.00 0.00 14.71KB 0.00 2.94 255 0 4.55
Total 3892259 0.66 100.00 45.08 262.83GB 100.00 70.81 1858280 143970 244.38


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 npeer.as286.net   115.50GB 43.95 11222.07 1554521 95.93 39.94 77.91 65864 132696466.13
2 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   47.33GB 18.01 4598.74 648839 78.32 16.67 76.49 179548 44
3 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   40.63GB 15.46 3947.46 493691 76.51 12.68 86.29 139125 12471
4 feed-me.usenet.farm   36.76GB 13.99 3571.40 647603 47.36 16.64 59.52 649794 70138
5 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   18.97GB 7.22 1842.88 291983 32.30 7.50 68.12 598621 13479
6 news-in.neodome.net   3.42GB 1.30 332.64 205022 79.81 5.27 17.51 51097 770
7 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   61.66MB 0.02 5.85 3157 31.52 0.08 20.00 6668 191
8 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   28.21MB 0.01 2.68 8101 83.77 0.21 3.57 0 1569
9 news.aulich.net   21.30MB 0.01 2.02 7123 74.03 0.18 3.06 0 2499
10 news.1d4.us   14.86MB 0.01 1.41 3723 38.69 0.10 4.09 5886 13
11 news.ausics.net   10.69MB 0.00 1.01 2646 33.61 0.07 4.14 4233 994
12 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   7.86MB 0.00 0.75 1648 18.07 0.04 4.89 6999 474
13 news-in.usenet.ovh   6.23MB 0.00 0.59 1285 13.45 0.03 4.96 6367 1901
14 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   6.04MB 0.00 0.57 1343 14.18 0.03 4.60 7453 677
15 newsfeed.bofh.team   6.02MB 0.00 0.57 1897 21.81 0.05 3.25 6798 3 4322.49
16 nntp.theworld.com   5.95MB 0.00 0.56 1610 54.41 0.04 3.78 1189 160
17 news.furie.org.uk   5.89MB 0.00 0.56 1054 24.93 0.03 5.72 3051 122
18 news.hispagatos.org   4.51MB 0.00 0.43 1639 17.24 0.04 2.82 6240 1627
19 news.cgarbs.de   4.30MB 0.00 0.41 1732 18.01 0.04 2.54 3702 4185
20 newsfeed.hasname.com   3.83MB 0.00 0.36 1453 15.11 0.04 2.70 6135 2028
21 usenet.network   3.63MB 0.00 0.34 1324 14.45 0.03 2.81 6211 1625
22 news.nobody.at   3.13MB 0.00 0.30 1266 13.24 0.03 2.53 7492 80560896.83
23 nntp.comgw.net   3.06MB 0.00 0.29 1253 13.03 0.03 2.50 7613 747 2896.86
24 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   2.75MB 0.00 0.26 880 9.27 0.02 3.20 6191 2419
25 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   2.27MB 0.00 0.22 934 9.71 0.02 2.49 8093 591
26 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   2.22MB 0.00 0.21 864 9.75 0.02 2.63 7548 449
27 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   2.06MB 0.00 0.20 832 9.52 0.02 2.54 7186 720
28 feeder.eternal-september.org   1.93MB 0.00 0.18 843 10.93 0.02 2.35 6750 119 30.31
29 i2pn.org   1.91MB 0.00 0.18 946 10.08 0.02 2.07 6939 1499 210.18
30 news.samoylyk.net   1.63MB 0.00 0.15 665 7.03 0.02 2.51 7996 798
31 newsfeed.xs3.de   1.44MB 0.00 0.14 572 5.97 0.01 2.58 6822 2185
32 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   1.17MB 0.00 0.11 373 3.88 0.01 3.22 7500 1743
33 usenet.pasdenom.info   1.03MB 0.00 0.10 353 3.70 0.01 2.98 6404 2776 518.99
34 nntp.terraraq.uk   907.61KB 0.00 0.08 279 5.58 0.01 3.25 4380 338
35 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   845.28KB 0.00 0.08 285 2.98 0.01 2.97 4622 4670
36 news.cmpublishers.com   654.69KB 0.00 0.06 191 4.60 0.00 3.43 3247 712
37 news.corradoroberto.it   523.62KB 0.00 0.05 151 1.62 0.00 3.47 909 8254
38 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   485.63KB 0.00 0.04 154 5.88 0.00 3.15 2422 43
39 news.swapon.de   61.41KB 0.00 0.01 19 2.00 0.00 3.23 930 0
40 ddt.demos.su   14.71KB 0.00 0.00 5 1.92 0.00 2.94 255 0 4.37
Total 262.83GB 100.00 25535.97 3892259 0.66 100.00 70.81 1858280 143970 229.93


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feed-me.usenet.farm   4.12GB 69.09 400.12 647603 47.36 16.64 59.52 649794 70138
2 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   907.12MB 14.86 86.07 493691 76.51 12.68 86.29 139125 12471
3 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   873.59MB 14.31 82.89 291983 32.30 7.50 68.12 598621 13479
4 news-in.neodome.net   14.59MB 0.24 1.38 205022 79.81 5.27 17.51 51097 770
5 npeer.as286.net   8.17MB 0.13 0.78 1554521 95.93 39.94 77.91 65864 132 48.11
6 news.aulich.net   8.05MB 0.13 0.76 7123 74.03 0.18 3.06 0 2499
7 news.cgarbs.de   7.80MB 0.13 0.74 1732 18.01 0.04 2.54 3702 4185
8 news-in.usenet.ovh   6.11MB 0.10 0.58 1285 13.45 0.03 4.96 6367 1901
9 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   5.54MB 0.09 0.53 8101 83.77 0.21 3.57 0 1569
10 newsfeed.hasname.com   4.53MB 0.07 0.43 1453 15.11 0.04 2.70 6135 2028
11 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   4.53MB 0.07 0.43 880 9.27 0.02 3.20 6191 2419
12 news.corradoroberto.it   4.41MB 0.07 0.42 151 1.62 0.00 3.47 909 8254
13 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   4.18MB 0.07 0.40 285 2.98 0.01 2.97 4622 4670
14 news.hispagatos.org   3.65MB 0.06 0.35 1639 17.24 0.04 2.82 6240 1627
15 news.ausics.net   3.62MB 0.06 0.34 2646 33.61 0.07 4.14 4233 994
16 usenet.network   3.43MB 0.06 0.33 1324 14.45 0.03 2.81 6211 1625
17 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   3.18MB 0.05 0.30 648839 78.32 16.67 76.49 179548 44
18 newsfeed.xs3.de   2.96MB 0.05 0.28 572 5.97 0.01 2.58 6822 2185
19 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   2.67MB 0.04 0.25 3157 31.52 0.08 20.00 6668 191
20 usenet.pasdenom.info   2.54MB 0.04 0.24 353 3.70 0.01 2.98 6404 2776 1284.93
21 i2pn.org   2.19MB 0.04 0.21 946 10.08 0.02 2.07 6939 1499 240.94
22 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   2.18MB 0.04 0.21 373 3.88 0.01 3.22 7500 1743
23 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   2.15MB 0.04 0.20 1648 18.07 0.04 4.89 6999 474
24 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   1.45MB 0.02 0.14 1343 14.18 0.03 4.60 7453 677
25 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   1.33MB 0.02 0.13 832 9.52 0.02 2.54 7186 720
26 news.nobody.at   1.14MB 0.02 0.11 1266 13.24 0.03 2.53 7492 80522182.17
27 news.samoylyk.net   1.01MB 0.02 0.10 665 7.03 0.02 2.51 7996 798
28 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   1018.08KB 0.02 0.09 934 9.71 0.02 2.49 8093 591
29 nntp.comgw.net   996.97KB 0.02 0.09 1253 13.03 0.03 2.50 7613 747 921.63
30 news.furie.org.uk   993.70KB 0.02 0.09 1054 24.93 0.03 5.72 3051 122
31 news.cmpublishers.com   509.70KB 0.01 0.05 191 4.60 0.00 3.43 3247 712
32 nntp.theworld.com   489.42KB 0.01 0.05 1610 54.41 0.04 3.78 1189 160
33 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   356.85KB 0.01 0.03 864 9.75 0.02 2.63 7548 449
34 nntp.terraraq.uk   347.23KB 0.01 0.03 279 5.58 0.01 3.25 4380 338
35 feeder.eternal-september.org   282.24KB 0.00 0.03 843 10.93 0.02 2.35 6750 119 4.32
36 news.1d4.us   53.57KB 0.00 0.00 3723 38.69 0.10 4.09 5886 13
37 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   48.83KB 0.00 0.00 154 5.88 0.00 3.15 2422 43
38 newsfeed.bofh.team   1.15KB 0.00 0.00 1897 21.81 0.05 3.25 6798 3 0.80
39 news.swapon.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 19 2.00 0.00 3.23 930 0
40 ddt.demos.su   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 5 1.92 0.00 2.94 255 0 0.00
Total 5.96GB 100.00 579.17 3892259 0.66 100.00 70.81 1858280 143970 5.21


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 512440 13.17 31.35GB 11.93 309074 16795
01 68129 1.75 3.36GB 1.28 20980 2051
02 87016 2.24 6.86GB 2.61 35568 3587
03 52867 1.36 2.55GB 0.97 18923 2329
04 100665 2.59 5.58GB 2.12 68850 6404
05 83993 2.16 2.85GB 1.09 29293 3271
06 114222 2.93 4.16GB 1.58 52509 4258
07 182321 4.68 13.34GB 5.07 113741 7682
08 246373 6.33 13.18GB 5.01 256281 13027
09 116929 3.00 5.05GB 1.92 69372 6972
10 80310 2.06 3.87GB 1.47 35617 3974
11 123132 3.16 5.02GB 1.91 36943 3887
12 158909 4.08 10.96GB 4.17 48654 6070
13 148930 3.83 12.43GB 4.73 51202 5261
14 274147 7.04 43.94GB 16.72 81828 6885
15 227145 5.84 23.56GB 8.96 58492 6675
16 111595 2.87 3.94GB 1.50 27080 2613
17 169329 4.35 8.48GB 3.23 49234 3701
18 263478 6.77 8.95GB 3.40 142677 11374
19 215811 5.54 5.72GB 2.18 97934 10497
20 162094 4.16 11.83GB 4.50 67455 4496
21 204176 5.25 28.64GB 10.90 121438 5283
22 101878 2.62 3.62GB 1.38 29388 2528
23 86370 2.22 3.60GB 1.37 35747 4350
Total 3892259 100.00 262.83GB 100.00 1858280 143970


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%FullAv. Pending
neodome-a 461740-461820 80 80 200 0.0
xs3 230066-230067 1 40 2 1.5
weretis 229868-229869 1 40 2 1.5
usenetnetwork 229914-229915 1 40 2 1.5
usenetfrm-c 104549-104550 1 40 2 6.5
usenetfrm-b 104549-104550 1 40 2 6.8
usenetfrm-a 230909-230910 1 40 2 6.5
ue-c 74523-74524 1 40 2 2.2
ue-b 74520-74521 1 40 2 2.3
ue-a 230902-230903 1 40 2 2.2
tnet 230072-230073 1 40 2 2.0
theworld 223695-223696 1 40 2 0.7
teraraquk 228575-228576 1 40 2 1.0
szaf 230061-230062 1 40 2 1.5
swapon 179466-179467 1 40 2 0.2
samoylyk 230079-230080 1 40 2 1.3
pasdenom 230053-230054 1 40 2 1.5
panix 230071-230072 1 40 2 1.2
paganini 196510-196511 1 40 2 1.3
ovh 195411-195412 1 40 2 1.6
nobodyat 230063-230064 1 40 2 1.3
neodome-b 79428-79429 1 40 2 4.6
mbnet 230063-230064 1 40 2 1.3
i2pn 230019-230020 1 40 2 1.9
hispagatos 187539-187540 1 40 2 1.4
highwinds-c 79161-79162 1 40 2 1.6
highwinds-b 79161-79162 1 40 2 1.6
highwinds-a 230908-230909 1 40 2 1.7
hasname 230071-230072 1 40 2 1.5
furie 226282-226283 1 40 2 1.2
fuberlin 229787-229788 1 40 2 1.2
eternalseptember 229041-229042 1 40 2 1.6
erje 230099-230100 1 40 2 1.3
endline 230078-230079 1 40 2 2.5
corradoroberto 127579-127580 1 40 2 1.5
comgw 199457-199458 1 40 2 1.3
cmpublish 226295-226296 1 40 2 1.4
chmurka 218445-218446 1 40 2 0.7
chiark 230053-230054 1 40 2 1.3
cgarbs 230078-230079 1 40 2 1.5
ausics 229553-229554 1 40 2 0.0
aulich 230079-230080 1 40 2 1.5
as286-c 62588-62589 1 40 2 4.2
as286-b 161531-161532 1 40 2 4.1
as286-a 230909-230910 1 40 2 4.2
abavia-c 91216-91217 1 40 2 3.3
abavia-b 110505-110506 1 40 2 3.6
abavia-a 230908-230909 1 40 2 3.9
1d4 230079-230080 1 40 2 1.9
spool1-text 180691-180692 1 2000000 0 1.1
demos.su 111644-111644 0 40 0 0.0
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10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:00:03  23:58:35 718 news.ausics.net: 500 Syntax error or bad command (nostreaming)
00:34:40  23:53:01 44 (no permission)
00:18:34  23:46:36 30 (no permission)
00:30:06  23:30:20 19 newsfeed.hasname.com: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
16:07:50  16:07:57 8 (no permission)
01:30:02  16:30:02 3 newsfeed.hasname.com: Connection refused
01:17:44  01:17:51 3 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of unused-space.coop.net failed
11:41:49  11:41:50 3 (no permission)
01:17:44  01:17:51 3 (no permission)
13:56:38  13:56:45 3 (no permission)
00:12:39   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: internettl.org/
00:12:06   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: internettl.org/
08:01:04   1 (no permission)
21:00:58   1 (no permission)
17:02:52   1 (no permission)
16:07:56   1 (no permission)
16:07:49   1 (no permission)
09:24:55   1 (no permission)
22:22:54   1 (no permission)
00:12:39   1 (no permission)
00:12:06   1 (no permission)
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11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 4 of 4)

HostBy Post RateBy Dup Body# Articles
 4 0 12 12
 3 0 9 9
 5 0 3 3
 1 0 3 3
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