
DIABLO statistics for diablo1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com on Mon 19 Aug 2024

Newsfeed Contact: Jesse Rehmer

Generated on 20240819 2359 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity
  11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 7 of 7)

Diablo running processes:  65    Dnewslink running processes:  59

DIABLO uptime=1222:02 arts=60.617M tested=0 bytes=5.027T fed=231.708M

11:59PM  up 50 days, 22:04, 1 user, load averages: 0.32, 0.22, 0.18

Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
news                  385G    185G    200G    48%    /news
news/log              200G    398M    200G     0%    /news/log
tmpfs                  10G    1.5G    8.5G    15%    /news/history

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder2.feed.ams11.usenet.farm   766436 59.05 40.33 8.88 40.56GB 35.08 55.49 1297273 0 19 0 736 0
2   194744 20.79 10.25 2.26 10.30GB 8.91 55.48 934826 0 2 0 1864 0
3 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   192605 20.23 10.14 2.23 9.60GB 8.31 52.28 950310 0 0 0 1955 0
4   189452 19.48 9.97 2.19 9.07GB 7.84 50.19 970284 0 0 0 2036 0
5   93253 8.04 4.91 1.08 7.82GB 6.76 87.93 1157769 0 5 0 1833 0
6 abe007.ams.abavia.com   89026 16.19 4.68 1.03 8.92GB 7.72 105.09 549447 0 44 0 365 0
7   81970 7.06 4.31 0.95 7.38GB 6.39 94.45 1158729 0 7 0 2365 0
8   80568 7.02 4.24 0.93 7.46GB 6.45 97.09 1144864 0 10 0 2198 0
9 abe004.ams.abavia.com   79531 14.48 4.19 0.92 8.27GB 7.15 108.99 548860 0 51 0 188 0
10 abe005.ams.abavia.com   47280 9.14 2.49 0.55 2.68GB 2.32 59.41 517219 0 15 0 67 0
11 abe006.ams.abavia.com   45797 8.86 2.41 0.53 2.55GB 2.20 58.36 516985 0 10 0 57 0
12 npeer.as286.net   17676 1.50 0.93 0.20 349.94MB 0.30 20.27 1180095 0 21 0 29 0
13 static.   14455 1.36 0.76 0.17 505.67MB 0.43 35.82 1064131 0 4 0 22 0
14 feeder.eternal-september.org   1745 23.54 0.09 0.02 6.30MB 0.01 3.70 7396 0 0 0 16 0
15 kotz.erje.net   1739 7.34 0.09 0.02 14.57MB 0.01 8.58 23685 0 0 0 0 0
16 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   671 12.52 0.04 0.01 1.88MB 0.00 2.87 5360 0 0 0 1 0
17 iqoq.erje.net   652 2.59 0.03 0.01 8.35MB 0.01 13.12 25135 0 0 0 0 0
18 news.dewy.ru   459 6.73 0.02 0.01 4.33MB 0.00 9.66 6813 0 0 0 11 0
19   368 45.94 0.02 0.00 140.29MB 0.12 390.39 742 0 0 0 59 0
20 net-93-144-67-120.cust.dsl.teletu.it   327 23.83 0.02 0.00 1.61MB 0.00 5.04 1360 0 0 0 12 0
21 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   276 3.53 0.01 0.00 1.05MB 0.00 3.91 7817 0 0 0 3 0
22 i2pn.org   251 3.79 0.01 0.00 891.55KB 0.00 3.55 6631 0 0 0 0 0
23 ddt.demos.su   209 54.01 0.01 0.00 599.23KB 0.00 2.87 386 0 0 0 1 0
24 kvm.chmurka.net   158 3.09 0.01 0.00 700.13KB 0.00 4.43 5121 0 0 0 0 0
25 callisto.xs3.de   132 1.36 0.01 0.00 320.97KB 0.00 2.43 9678 0 0 0 0 0
26 usenet.pasdenom.info   100 1.58 0.01 0.00 241.71KB 0.00 2.42 6339 0 0 0 0 0
27 server.samoylyk.net   95 0.97 0.00 0.00 436.76KB 0.00 4.60 9789 0 0 0 2 0
28 newsfeed.bofh.team   94 0.79 0.00 0.00 177.15KB 0.00 1.88 11974 0 0 0 0 0
29 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   66 0.57 0.00 0.00 179.33KB 0.00 2.72 11641 0 0 0 0 0
30   38 100.00 0.00 0.00 343.51KB 0.00 9.04 0 38 0 0 0 0
31 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   33 0.31 0.00 0.00 203.14KB 0.00 6.16 10793 0 0 0 4 0
32 nntp.comgw.net   21 0.18 0.00 0.00 62.65KB 0.00 2.98 11406 0 0 0 0 0
33 news-xfer.panix.com   19 0.19 0.00 0.00 72.26KB 0.00 3.80 9968 0 0 0 0 0
34 matrix.hispagatos.org   18 0.09 0.00 0.00 76.94KB 0.00 4.27 21144 0 0 0 0 0
35 weidegrund.szaf.org   16 0.25 0.00 0.00 84.50KB 0.00 5.28 6337 0 0 0 1 0
36 net-93-144-67-120.cust.vodafonedsl.it   14 19.72 0.00 0.00 55.46KB 0.00 3.96 71 0 0 0 0 0
37 pcls7.std.com   10 0.18 0.00 0.00 21.19KB 0.00 2.12 5522 0 0 0 0 0
38 mantic.terraraq.uk   6 0.10 0.00 0.00 11.76KB 0.00 1.96 6079 0 0 0 0 0
39 valhalla.ausics.net   4 0.07 0.00 0.00 5.10KB 0.00 1.28 5611 0 0 0 0 0
40 news.nobody.at   4 0.04 0.00 0.00 24.13KB 0.00 6.03 11235 0 0 0 0 0
41 h1n1.swapon.de   4 0.33 0.00 0.00 9.71KB 0.00 2.43 1214 0 0 0 0 0
42 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   3 0.06 0.00 0.00 5.13KB 0.00 1.71 4843 0 0 0 0 0
43   3 0.03 0.00 0.00 3.86KB 0.00 1.29 9713 0 0 0 0 0
44 uddi-32-b2-v4wan-167373-cust1118.vm12.cable.virginm.net   1 0.03 0.00 0.00 3.51KB 0.00 3.51 3552 0 0 0 0 0
45 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   1 0.01 0.00 0.00 6.15KB 0.00 6.15 7618 0 0 0 0 0
46 newsfeed.hasname.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 7037 0 0 0 0 0
47 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 7002 0 0 0 0 0
48 cmpublishers.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2745 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1900330 0.00 100.00 22.01 115.63GB 100.00 63.80 12262549 38 188 0 13825 0


Goto top of page

2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder2.feed.ams11.usenet.farm   40.56GB 35.08 3940.55 766436 59.05 40.33 55.49 1297273 0 19 0 736 0
2   10.30GB 8.91 1001.08 194744 20.79 10.25 55.48 934826 0 2 0 1864 0
3 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   9.60GB 8.31 933.00 192605 20.23 10.14 52.28 950310 0 0 0 1955 0
4   9.07GB 7.84 880.97 189452 19.48 9.97 50.19 970284 0 0 0 2036 0
5 abe007.ams.abavia.com   8.92GB 7.72 866.90 89026 16.19 4.68 105.09 549447 0 44 0 365 0
6 abe004.ams.abavia.com   8.27GB 7.15 803.16 79531 14.48 4.19 108.99 548860 0 51 0 188 0
7   7.82GB 6.76 759.78 93253 8.04 4.91 87.93 1157769 0 5 0 1833 0
8   7.46GB 6.45 724.81 80568 7.02 4.24 97.09 1144864 0 10 0 2198 0
9   7.38GB 6.39 717.34 81970 7.06 4.31 94.45 1158729 0 7 0 2365 0
10 abe005.ams.abavia.com   2.68GB 2.32 260.26 47280 9.14 2.49 59.41 517219 0 15 0 67 0
11 abe006.ams.abavia.com   2.55GB 2.20 247.64 45797 8.86 2.41 58.36 516985 0 10 0 57 0
12 static.   505.67MB 0.43 47.98 14455 1.36 0.76 35.82 1064131 0 4 0 22 0
13 npeer.as286.net   349.94MB 0.30 33.20 17676 1.50 0.93 20.27 1180095 0 21 0 29 0
14   140.29MB 0.12 13.31 368 45.94 0.02 390.39 742 0 0 0 59 0
15 kotz.erje.net   14.57MB 0.01 1.38 1739 7.34 0.09 8.58 23685 0 0 0 0 0
16 iqoq.erje.net   8.35MB 0.01 0.79 652 2.59 0.03 13.12 25135 0 0 0 0 0
17 feeder.eternal-september.org   6.30MB 0.01 0.60 1745 23.54 0.09 3.70 7396 0 0 0 16 0
18 news.dewy.ru   4.33MB 0.00 0.41 459 6.73 0.02 9.66 6813 0 0 0 11 0
19 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   1.88MB 0.00 0.18 671 12.52 0.04 2.87 5360 0 0 0 1 0
20 net-93-144-67-120.cust.dsl.teletu.it   1.61MB 0.00 0.15 327 23.83 0.02 5.04 1360 0 0 0 12 0
21 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   1.05MB 0.00 0.10 276 3.53 0.01 3.91 7817 0 0 0 3 0
22 i2pn.org   891.55KB 0.00 0.08 251 3.79 0.01 3.55 6631 0 0 0 0 0
23 kvm.chmurka.net   700.13KB 0.00 0.06 158 3.09 0.01 4.43 5121 0 0 0 0 0
24 ddt.demos.su   599.23KB 0.00 0.06 209 54.01 0.01 2.87 386 0 0 0 1 0
25 server.samoylyk.net   436.76KB 0.00 0.04 95 0.97 0.00 4.60 9789 0 0 0 2 0
26   343.51KB 0.00 0.03 38 100.00 0.00 9.04 0 38 0 0 0 0
27 callisto.xs3.de   320.97KB 0.00 0.03 132 1.36 0.01 2.43 9678 0 0 0 0 0
28 usenet.pasdenom.info   241.71KB 0.00 0.02 100 1.58 0.01 2.42 6339 0 0 0 0 0
29 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   203.14KB 0.00 0.02 33 0.31 0.00 6.16 10793 0 0 0 4 0
30 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   179.33KB 0.00 0.02 66 0.57 0.00 2.72 11641 0 0 0 0 0
31 newsfeed.bofh.team   177.15KB 0.00 0.02 94 0.79 0.00 1.88 11974 0 0 0 0 0
32 weidegrund.szaf.org   84.50KB 0.00 0.01 16 0.25 0.00 5.28 6337 0 0 0 1 0
33 matrix.hispagatos.org   76.94KB 0.00 0.01 18 0.09 0.00 4.27 21144 0 0 0 0 0
34 news-xfer.panix.com   72.26KB 0.00 0.01 19 0.19 0.00 3.80 9968 0 0 0 0 0
35 nntp.comgw.net   62.65KB 0.00 0.01 21 0.18 0.00 2.98 11406 0 0 0 0 0
36 net-93-144-67-120.cust.vodafonedsl.it   55.46KB 0.00 0.01 14 19.72 0.00 3.96 71 0 0 0 0 0
37 news.nobody.at   24.13KB 0.00 0.00 4 0.04 0.00 6.03 11235 0 0 0 0 0
38 pcls7.std.com   21.19KB 0.00 0.00 10 0.18 0.00 2.12 5522 0 0 0 0 0
39 mantic.terraraq.uk   11.76KB 0.00 0.00 6 0.10 0.00 1.96 6079 0 0 0 0 0
40 h1n1.swapon.de   9.71KB 0.00 0.00 4 0.33 0.00 2.43 1214 0 0 0 0 0
41 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   6.15KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 6.15 7618 0 0 0 0 0
42 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   5.13KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.06 0.00 1.71 4843 0 0 0 0 0
43 valhalla.ausics.net   5.10KB 0.00 0.00 4 0.07 0.00 1.28 5611 0 0 0 0 0
44   3.86KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.03 0.00 1.29 9713 0 0 0 0 0
45 uddi-32-b2-v4wan-167373-cust1118.vm12.cable.virginm.net   3.51KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.03 0.00 3.51 3552 0 0 0 0 0
46 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7037 0 0 0 0 0
47 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7002 0 0 0 0 0
48 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2745 0 0 0 0 0
Total 115.63GB 100.00 11234.01 1900330 0.00 100.00 63.80 12262549 38 188 0 13825 0


Goto top of page

3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1   585.82MB 21.95 55.58 189452 19.48 9.97 50.19 970284 0 0 0 2036 0
2 tr.iad1.usenetexpress.com   456.89MB 17.12 43.35 192605 20.23 10.14 52.28 950310 0 0 0 1955 0
3   385.15MB 14.43 36.54 194744 20.79 10.25 55.48 934826 0 2 0 1864 0
4   306.39MB 11.48 29.07 81970 7.06 4.31 94.45 1158729 0 7 0 2365 0
5   243.98MB 9.14 23.15 80568 7.02 4.24 97.09 1144864 0 10 0 2198 0
6   243.94MB 9.14 23.15 93253 8.04 4.91 87.93 1157769 0 5 0 1833 0
7 feeder2.feed.ams11.usenet.farm   242.13MB 9.07 22.97 766436 59.05 40.33 55.49 1297273 0 19 0 736 0
8 abe007.ams.abavia.com   141.36MB 5.30 13.41 89026 16.19 4.68 105.09 549447 0 44 0 365 0
9   20.24MB 0.76 1.92 368 45.94 0.02 390.39 742 0 0 0 59 0
10 abe004.ams.abavia.com   18.88MB 0.71 1.79 79531 14.48 4.19 108.99 548860 0 51 0 188 0
11 abe005.ams.abavia.com   10.60MB 0.40 1.01 47280 9.14 2.49 59.41 517219 0 15 0 67 0
12 abe006.ams.abavia.com   9.80MB 0.37 0.93 45797 8.86 2.41 58.36 516985 0 10 0 57 0
13 news.dewy.ru   1.29MB 0.05 0.12 459 6.73 0.02 9.66 6813 0 0 0 11 0
14 npeer.as286.net   925.32KB 0.03 0.09 17676 1.50 0.93 20.27 1180095 0 21 0 29 0
15 static.   565.40KB 0.02 0.05 14455 1.36 0.76 35.82 1064131 0 4 0 22 0
16 net-93-144-67-120.cust.dsl.teletu.it   517.15KB 0.02 0.05 327 23.83 0.02 5.04 1360 0 0 0 12 0
17 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   131.45KB 0.00 0.01 276 3.53 0.01 3.91 7817 0 0 0 3 0
18 server.samoylyk.net   55.92KB 0.00 0.01 95 0.97 0.00 4.60 9789 0 0 0 2 0
19 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   44.63KB 0.00 0.00 33 0.31 0.00 6.16 10793 0 0 0 4 0
20 feeder.eternal-september.org   41.50KB 0.00 0.00 1745 23.54 0.09 3.70 7396 0 0 0 16 0
21 weidegrund.szaf.org   35.29KB 0.00 0.00 16 0.25 0.00 5.28 6337 0 0 0 1 0
22 feeder.zedat.fu-berlin.de   2.26KB 0.00 0.00 671 12.52 0.04 2.87 5360 0 0 0 1 0
23 ddt.demos.su   1.06KB 0.00 0.00 209 54.01 0.01 2.87 386 0 0 0 1 0
24 valhalla.ausics.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 4 0.07 0.00 1.28 5611 0 0 0 0 0
25 usenet.pasdenom.info   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 100 1.58 0.01 2.42 6339 0 0 0 0 0
26 uddi-32-b2-v4wan-167373-cust1118.vm12.cable.virginm.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.03 0.00 3.51 3552 0 0 0 0 0
27 tncsrv06.tnetconsulting.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.06 0.00 1.71 4843 0 0 0 0 0
28 pcls7.std.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 10 0.18 0.00 2.12 5522 0 0 0 0 0
29 nntp.comgw.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 21 0.18 0.00 2.98 11406 0 0 0 0 0
30 newsfeed.hasname.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7037 0 0 0 0 0
31 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7002 0 0 0 0 0
32 newsfeed.bofh.team   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 94 0.79 0.00 1.88 11974 0 0 0 0 0
33 news.nobody.at   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 4 0.04 0.00 6.03 11235 0 0 0 0 0
34 news-xfer.panix.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 19 0.19 0.00 3.80 9968 0 0 0 0 0
35 net-93-144-67-120.cust.vodafonedsl.it   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 14 19.72 0.00 3.96 71 0 0 0 0 0
36 matrix.hispagatos.org   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 18 0.09 0.00 4.27 21144 0 0 0 0 0
37 mantic.terraraq.uk   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 6 0.10 0.00 1.96 6079 0 0 0 0 0
38 kvm.chmurka.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 158 3.09 0.01 4.43 5121 0 0 0 0 0
39 ks3370419.kimsufi.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1 0.01 0.00 6.15 7618 0 0 0 0 0
40 kotz.erje.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1739 7.34 0.09 8.58 23685 0 0 0 0 0
41 iqoq.erje.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 652 2.59 0.03 13.12 25135 0 0 0 0 0
42 i2pn.org   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 251 3.79 0.01 3.55 6631 0 0 0 0 0
43 h1n1.swapon.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 4 0.33 0.00 2.43 1214 0 0 0 0 0
44 gwaiyur.mb-net.net   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 66 0.57 0.00 2.72 11641 0 0 0 0 0
45 cmpublishers.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2745 0 0 0 0 0
46 callisto.xs3.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 132 1.36 0.01 2.43 9678 0 0 0 0 0
47   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 38 100.00 0.00 9.04 0 38 0 0 0 0
48   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 3 0.03 0.00 1.29 9713 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2.61GB 100.00 253.21 1900330 0.00 100.00 63.80 12262549 38 188 0 13825 0


Goto top of page

4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 42964 2.26 2.20GB 1.90 348077 1 0 241 0
01 65088 3.43 3.47GB 3.00 442236 0 0 199 0
02 140825 7.41 7.24GB 6.26 877333 1 0 300 0
03 41582 2.19 2.28GB 1.97 437414 0 0 237 0
04 42766 2.25 2.16GB 1.87 433210 0 0 298 0
05 164597 8.66 10.88GB 9.41 756819 0 0 677 0
06 186195 9.80 9.02GB 7.80 1031146 0 0 678 0
07 184925 9.73 10.32GB 8.93 874948 0 0 486 0
08 110365 5.81 5.21GB 4.50 805505 0 0 393 0
09 64781 3.41 2.67GB 2.31 939066 0 1 330 0
10 56426 2.97 1.55GB 1.34 420065 0 0 350 0
11 81306 4.28 4.54GB 3.92 369433 2 135 499 0
12 51082 2.69 2.71GB 2.34 314493 1 18 453 0
13 76989 4.05 11.81GB 10.22 385569 1 2 2603 0
14 75130 3.95 17.58GB 15.20 388035 3 27 2223 0
15 30522 1.61 1.46GB 1.26 231914 8 0 263 0
16 45738 2.41 1.89GB 1.64 280139 1 3 599 0
17 38401 2.02 1.48GB 1.28 245542 13 0 572 0
18 35273 1.86 1.20GB 1.04 295570 2 2 400 0
19 123084 6.48 4.55GB 3.94 606478 1 0 351 0
20 76091 4.00 2.10GB 1.82 592791 1 0 150 0
21 80434 4.23 4.86GB 4.20 515063 1 0 327 0
22 55784 2.94 2.78GB 2.41 444276 2 0 1054 0
23 29982 1.58 1.65GB 1.43 227427 0 0 142 0
Total 1900330 100.00 115.63GB 100.00 12262549 38 188 13825 0


Goto top of page

5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 npeer.as286.net   885955 89.77 47.28 10.26 67.60GB 49.05 80.01 97248 3761 5012.19
2 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   359422 46.72 19.18 4.16 22.28GB 16.17 65.01 387410 22432
3 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   208227 54.46 11.11 2.41 26.86GB 19.49 135.24 174119 30
4 news-in.neodome.net   164039 77.39 8.75 1.90 2.62GB 1.90 16.73 46280 1640
5 feed-me.usenet.farm   131964 25.02 7.04 1.53 7.48GB 5.43 59.44 355321 40229
6 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   74908 11.48 4.00 0.87 10.47GB 7.59 146.50 570909 6671
7 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   13731 36.33 0.73 0.16 413.91MB 0.29 30.87 23181 884
8 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   7801 96.25 0.42 0.09 26.27MB 0.02 3.45 1 303
9 news.aulich.net   6781 83.95 0.36 0.08 19.87MB 0.01 3.00 0 1296
10 news.ausics.net   1861 28.53 0.10 0.02 9.30MB 0.01 5.12 4443 220
11 nntp.theworld.com   1650 49.27 0.09 0.02 5.88MB 0.00 3.65 1513 186
12 newsfeed.hasname.com   1514 18.75 0.08 0.02 3.80MB 0.00 2.57 5932 627
13 news.cgarbs.de   1406 17.41 0.08 0.02 3.59MB 0.00 2.62 3970 2699
14 news.furie.org.uk   1331 29.76 0.07 0.02 7.03MB 0.00 5.41 3084 57
15 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   1205 14.96 0.06 0.01 4.81MB 0.00 4.09 6699 152
16 news.hispagatos.org   1177 14.60 0.06 0.01 3.27MB 0.00 2.85 6545 340
17 news-in.usenet.ovh   953 11.88 0.05 0.01 5.15MB 0.00 5.53 6584 484
18 usenet.network   948 12.47 0.05 0.01 2.50MB 0.00 2.70 6418 234
19 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   929 11.60 0.05 0.01 3.99MB 0.00 4.40 7019 59
20 newsfeed.bofh.team   871 10.93 0.05 0.01 3.31MB 0.00 3.89 7092 3 926.60
21 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   831 10.38 0.04 0.01 2.41MB 0.00 2.96 5970 1207
22 nntp.comgw.net   725 8.97 0.04 0.01 1.66MB 0.00 2.34 7138 223 3452.38
23 news.nobody.at   719 8.97 0.04 0.01 1.69MB 0.00 2.41 7023 27817975.00
24 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   676 8.38 0.04 0.01 1.67MB 0.00 2.53 7133 256
25 i2pn.org   629 8.04 0.03 0.01 1.34MB 0.00 2.17 7061 131 250.60
26 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   535 7.27 0.03 0.01 1.50MB 0.00 2.87 6813 13
27 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   522 7.27 0.03 0.01 1.29MB 0.00 2.52 6124 532
28 feeder.eternal-september.org   519 8.18 0.03 0.01 1.18MB 0.00 2.32 5787 35 29.74
29 newsfeed.xs3.de   378 4.76 0.02 0.00 1.17MB 0.00 3.17 7008 560
30 news.samoylyk.net   341 4.27 0.02 0.00 938.57KB 0.00 2.75 7355 284
31 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   280 3.47 0.01 0.00 781.34KB 0.00 2.79 6970 821
32 nntp.terraraq.uk   199 3.99 0.01 0.00 613.62KB 0.00 3.08 4569 222
33 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   191 2.38 0.01 0.00 734.27KB 0.00 3.84 4686 3165
34 news.cmpublishers.com   166 3.71 0.01 0.00 522.25KB 0.00 3.15 3726 577
35 news.corradoroberto.it   164 2.12 0.01 0.00 490.54KB 0.00 2.99 936 6647
36 usenet.pasdenom.info   161 2.02 0.01 0.00 776.75KB 0.00 4.82 6787 1025 161.00
37 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   136 5.52 0.01 0.00 483.84KB 0.00 3.56 2300 27
38 news.swapon.de   18 1.98 0.00 0.00 50.65KB 0.00 2.81 892 0
39 ddt.demos.su   2 0.59 0.00 0.00 7.40KB 0.00 3.70 338 0 0.96
Total 1873865 0.50 100.00 21.70 137.82GB 100.00 77.12 1812384 98310 98.61


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 npeer.as286.net   67.60GB 49.05 6567.68 885955 89.77 47.28 80.01 97248 376119780.67
2 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   26.86GB 19.49 2609.35 208227 54.46 11.11 135.24 174119 30
3 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   22.28GB 16.17 2164.95 359422 46.72 19.18 65.01 387410 22432
4 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   10.47GB 7.59 1016.79 74908 11.48 4.00 146.50 570909 6671
5 feed-me.usenet.farm   7.48GB 5.43 726.75 131964 25.02 7.04 59.44 355321 40229
6 news-in.neodome.net   2.62GB 1.90 254.24 164039 77.39 8.75 16.73 46280 1640
7 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   413.91MB 0.29 39.27 13731 36.33 0.73 30.87 23181 884
8 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   26.27MB 0.02 2.49 7801 96.25 0.42 3.45 1 303
9 news.aulich.net   19.87MB 0.01 1.89 6781 83.95 0.36 3.00 0 1296
10 news.ausics.net   9.30MB 0.01 0.88 1861 28.53 0.10 5.12 4443 220
11 news.furie.org.uk   7.03MB 0.00 0.67 1331 29.76 0.07 5.41 3084 57
12 nntp.theworld.com   5.88MB 0.00 0.56 1650 49.27 0.09 3.65 1513 186
13 news-in.usenet.ovh   5.15MB 0.00 0.49 953 11.88 0.05 5.53 6584 484
14 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   4.81MB 0.00 0.46 1205 14.96 0.06 4.09 6699 152
15 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   3.99MB 0.00 0.38 929 11.60 0.05 4.40 7019 59
16 newsfeed.hasname.com   3.80MB 0.00 0.36 1514 18.75 0.08 2.57 5932 627
17 news.cgarbs.de   3.59MB 0.00 0.34 1406 17.41 0.08 2.62 3970 2699
18 newsfeed.bofh.team   3.31MB 0.00 0.31 871 10.93 0.05 3.89 7092 3 1912.60
19 news.hispagatos.org   3.27MB 0.00 0.31 1177 14.60 0.06 2.85 6545 340
20 usenet.network   2.50MB 0.00 0.24 948 12.47 0.05 2.70 6418 234
21 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   2.41MB 0.00 0.23 831 10.38 0.04 2.96 5970 1207
22 news.nobody.at   1.69MB 0.00 0.16 719 8.97 0.04 2.41 7023 278 7170.54
23 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   1.67MB 0.00 0.16 676 8.38 0.04 2.53 7133 256
24 nntp.comgw.net   1.66MB 0.00 0.16 725 8.97 0.04 2.34 7138 223 2711.39
25 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   1.50MB 0.00 0.14 535 7.27 0.03 2.87 6813 13
26 i2pn.org   1.34MB 0.00 0.13 629 8.04 0.03 2.17 7061 131 153.38
27 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   1.29MB 0.00 0.12 522 7.27 0.03 2.52 6124 532
28 feeder.eternal-september.org   1.18MB 0.00 0.11 519 8.18 0.03 2.32 5787 35 18.67
29 newsfeed.xs3.de   1.17MB 0.00 0.11 378 4.76 0.02 3.17 7008 560
30 news.samoylyk.net   938.57KB 0.00 0.09 341 4.27 0.02 2.75 7355 284
31 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   781.34KB 0.00 0.07 280 3.47 0.01 2.79 6970 821
32 usenet.pasdenom.info   776.75KB 0.00 0.07 161 2.02 0.01 4.82 6787 1025 321.35
33 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   734.27KB 0.00 0.07 191 2.38 0.01 3.84 4686 3165
34 nntp.terraraq.uk   613.62KB 0.00 0.06 199 3.99 0.01 3.08 4569 222
35 news.cmpublishers.com   522.25KB 0.00 0.05 166 3.71 0.01 3.15 3726 577
36 news.corradoroberto.it   490.54KB 0.00 0.05 164 2.12 0.01 2.99 936 6647
37 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   483.84KB 0.00 0.04 136 5.52 0.01 3.56 2300 27
38 news.swapon.de   50.65KB 0.00 0.00 18 1.98 0.00 2.81 892 0
39 ddt.demos.su   7.40KB 0.00 0.00 2 0.59 0.00 3.70 338 0 1.23
Total 137.82GB 100.00 13390.21 1873865 0.50 100.00 77.12 1812384 98310 119.19


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feed-me.usenet.farm   2.61GB 47.81 253.45 131964 25.02 7.04 59.44 355321 40229
2 feed-in.ams.abavia.com   1.55GB 28.47 150.91 359422 46.72 19.18 65.01 387410 22432
3 feed-me.highwinds-media.com   977.37MB 17.49 92.73 74908 11.48 4.00 146.50 570909 6671
4 npeer.as286.net   253.26MB 4.53 24.03 885955 89.77 47.28 80.01 97248 3761 72.37
5 news-in.neodome.net   37.50MB 0.67 3.56 164039 77.39 8.75 16.73 46280 1640
6 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net   22.87MB 0.41 2.17 13731 36.33 0.73 30.87 23181 884
7 news.cgarbs.de   5.50MB 0.10 0.52 1406 17.41 0.08 2.62 3970 2699
8 news.corradoroberto.it   3.97MB 0.07 0.38 164 2.12 0.01 2.99 936 6647
9 news.aulich.net   3.88MB 0.07 0.37 6781 83.95 0.36 3.00 0 1296
10 bwh-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com   3.40MB 0.06 0.32 208227 54.46 11.11 135.24 174119 30
11 blueworldhosting.feeds.news.szaf.org   2.69MB 0.05 0.25 191 2.38 0.01 3.84 4686 3165
12 nntp-feed.chiark.greenend.org.uk   2.19MB 0.04 0.21 831 10.38 0.04 2.96 5970 1207
13 news-in.usenet.ovh   1.65MB 0.03 0.16 953 11.88 0.05 5.53 6584 484
14 newsfeed.hasname.com   1.09MB 0.02 0.10 1514 18.75 0.08 2.57 5932 627
15 spool1.usenet.blueworldhosting.com   981.41KB 0.02 0.09 7801 96.25 0.42 3.45 1 303
16 news.ausics.net   922.59KB 0.02 0.09 1861 28.53 0.10 5.12 4443 220
17 news.hispagatos.org   827.19KB 0.01 0.08 1177 14.60 0.06 2.85 6545 340
18 usenet.pasdenom.info   810.00KB 0.01 0.08 161 2.02 0.01 4.82 6787 1025 335.11
19 blueworldhosting-in.news.weretis.net   781.80KB 0.01 0.07 522 7.27 0.03 2.52 6124 532
20 bwh-in.news.tnetconsulting.net   735.10KB 0.01 0.07 280 3.47 0.01 2.79 6970 821
21 newsfeed.xs3.de   660.03KB 0.01 0.06 378 4.76 0.02 3.17 7008 560
22 blueworld.peers.news.panix.com   544.33KB 0.01 0.05 1205 14.96 0.06 4.09 6699 152
23 nntp.theworld.com   518.39KB 0.01 0.05 1650 49.27 0.09 3.65 1513 186
24 usenet.network   431.08KB 0.01 0.04 948 12.47 0.05 2.70 6418 234
25 newsfeed.endofthelinebbs.com   420.38KB 0.01 0.04 676 8.38 0.04 2.53 7133 256
26 news.cmpublishers.com   392.56KB 0.01 0.04 166 3.71 0.01 3.15 3726 577
27 news.nobody.at   369.90KB 0.01 0.03 719 8.97 0.04 2.41 7023 278 1532.82
28 nntp.comgw.net   344.37KB 0.01 0.03 725 8.97 0.04 2.34 7138 223 549.67
29 news.furie.org.uk   287.24KB 0.01 0.03 1331 29.76 0.07 5.41 3084 57
30 news.samoylyk.net   250.34KB 0.00 0.02 341 4.27 0.02 2.75 7355 284
31 nntp.terraraq.uk   196.94KB 0.00 0.02 199 3.99 0.01 3.08 4569 222
32 i2pn.org   157.46KB 0.00 0.01 629 8.04 0.03 2.17 7061 131 17.66
33 bwh-in.news.mb-net.net   155.14KB 0.00 0.01 929 11.60 0.05 4.40 7019 59
34 feeder.eternal-september.org   46.26KB 0.00 0.00 519 8.18 0.03 2.32 5787 35 0.72
35 bwh-in.news.chmurka.net   31.56KB 0.00 0.00 136 5.52 0.01 3.56 2300 27
36 BlueWorld.peer.fu-berlin.de   22.73KB 0.00 0.00 535 7.27 0.03 2.87 6813 13
37 newsfeed.bofh.team   16.33KB 0.00 0.00 871 10.93 0.05 3.89 7092 3 9.22
38 news.swapon.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 18 1.98 0.00 2.81 892 0
39 ddt.demos.su   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2 0.59 0.00 3.70 338 0 0.00
Total 5.46GB 100.00 530.09 1873865 0.50 100.00 77.12 1812384 98310 4.72


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 40845 2.18 2.40GB 1.74 45242 2564
01 33723 1.80 2.07GB 1.50 40243 2503
02 38632 2.06 2.46GB 1.79 40490 3107
03 53508 2.86 3.22GB 2.34 62795 2417
04 32521 1.74 1.75GB 1.27 38204 2463
05 39982 2.13 5.42GB 3.93 48147 2418
06 43029 2.30 1.81GB 1.31 46685 2898
07 73860 3.94 2.45GB 1.78 87289 3133
08 50599 2.70 2.36GB 1.72 61365 2628
09 86912 4.64 3.47GB 2.52 105134 3482
10 112762 6.02 3.55GB 2.58 98328 5922
11 185285 9.89 11.30GB 8.20 131118 9095
12 108563 5.79 5.74GB 4.17 89173 7468
13 142853 7.62 25.30GB 18.36 121598 8940
14 124184 6.63 37.20GB 26.99 102671 7467
15 65178 3.48 3.17GB 2.30 56098 4306
16 95643 5.10 4.01GB 2.91 79413 5759
17 90319 4.82 3.51GB 2.55 57553 4996
18 64268 3.43 2.28GB 1.65 66270 3351
19 121131 6.46 3.33GB 2.41 120872 4735
20 101540 5.42 2.40GB 1.74 106286 2842
21 74836 3.99 4.24GB 3.08 96994 2010
22 56888 3.04 2.25GB 1.63 73150 2009
23 36804 1.96 2.11GB 1.53 37266 1797
Total 1873865 100.00 137.82GB 100.00 1812384 98310


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%FullAv. Pending
neodome-a 490540-490620 80 80 200 0.0
1d4 244391-244432 41 40 102 0.0
xs3 244417-244418 1 40 2 1.3
weretis 244196-244197 1 40 2 1.3
usenetnetwork 244256-244257 1 40 2 1.3
usenetfrm-c 118949-118950 1 40 2 5.2
usenetfrm-b 118949-118950 1 40 2 5.5
usenetfrm-a 245309-245310 1 40 2 5.6
ue-c 88923-88924 1 40 2 3.0
ue-b 88920-88921 1 40 2 3.0
ue-a 245302-245303 1 40 2 3.1
tnet 244424-244425 1 40 2 1.8
theworld 237405-237406 1 40 2 0.8
teraraquk 242802-242803 1 40 2 1.0
szaf 244410-244411 1 40 2 1.2
swapon 188792-188793 1 40 2 0.2
samoylyk 244429-244430 1 40 2 1.3
pasdenom 244405-244406 1 40 2 1.2
panix 244422-244423 1 40 2 1.2
paganini 210861-210862 1 40 2 1.3
ovh 209762-209763 1 40 2 1.3
nobodyat 244414-244415 1 40 2 1.3
neodome-b 93828-93829 1 40 2 4.3
mbnet 244412-244413 1 40 2 1.3
i2pn 244369-244370 1 40 2 1.4
hispagatos 201890-201891 1 40 2 1.2
highwinds-c 93561-93562 1 40 2 1.3
highwinds-b 93561-93562 1 40 2 1.3
highwinds-a 245308-245309 1 40 2 1.3
hasname 244423-244424 1 40 2 1.5
furie 240317-240318 1 40 2 1.2
fuberlin 244127-244128 1 40 2 1.1
eternalseptember 243284-243285 1 40 2 1.3
erje 244465-244466 1 40 2 1.4
endline 244430-244431 1 40 2 2.1
corradoroberto 141930-141931 1 40 2 1.1
comgw 213809-213810 1 40 2 1.3
cmpublish 240328-240329 1 40 2 1.4
chmurka 231659-231660 1 40 2 0.7
chiark 244404-244405 1 40 2 1.2
cgarbs 244430-244431 1 40 2 1.3
ausics 243874-243875 1 40 2 0.0
aulich 244431-244432 1 40 2 1.2
as286-c 76988-76989 1 40 2 3.4
as286-b 175931-175932 1 40 2 3.3
as286-a 245309-245310 1 40 2 3.3
abavia-c 105616-105617 1 40 2 5.7
abavia-b 124905-124906 1 40 2 5.8
abavia-a 245308-245309 1 40 2 6.6
spool1-text 195043-195044 1 2000000 0 1.1
demos.su 115076-115076 0 40 0 0.0
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10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:00:00  23:58:00 1431 news.1d4.us: (unknown error)
00:00:02  23:58:10 715 news.ausics.net: 500 Syntax error or bad command (nostreaming)
00:34:19  23:53:29 37 (no permission)
06:25:15  06:37:15 31 news.cmpublishers.com: Operation timed out
17:02:57  17:03:03 31 (no permission)
00:18:40  23:18:37 30 (no permission)
00:30:07  21:30:06 18 newsfeed.hasname.com: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
13:23:37  13:23:40 8 (no permission)
01:30:01  22:30:02 5 newsfeed.hasname.com: Connection refused
01:38:52  15:05:55 2 news.samoylyk.net: Connection refused
02:58:34  17:27:13 2 (no permission)
15:05:55   1 news.samoylyk.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
06:26:00   1 news.cmpublishers.com: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
23:55:35   1 news.ausics.net: Operation timed out
19:45:23   1 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
19:45:24   1 blueworldhosting-in.feeder.erje.net: 502 3.eu.feeder.erje.net DIABLO is currently in read-only mode
01:25:22   1 (no permission)
09:40:55   1 (no permission)
21:26:05   1 (no permission)
22:21:06   1 (no permission)
09:23:55   1 (no permission)
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11. Summary of Spam Activity (Top 7 of 7)

HostBy Post RateBy Dup Body# Articles
 5 0 4 4
 9 0 2 2
 4 0 2 2
 1 0 2 2
 74 0 1 1
 12 0 1 1
 10 0 1 1
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